If you want to start Smart Materials from Smart Materials Web, follow the instructions in this topic.
For Windows, the ADM and ADMX policy templates are available. Verify which type you can use on your network.
The templates show which registry keys you can set to configure Chrome and which are acceptable values. Chrome uses these registry keys values to determine how to act.
These templates are required to initiate agreement creation from Smart Materials Web (APEX) Inquiry module, because the Agreements task currently resides in Smart Materials (WPF).
Download Chrome policy templates using Download Google Chrome Bundle under How to quick-start in Windows.
Unzip the downloaded bundle.
Open the ADM or ADMX template.
The template can be found under Configuration\adm\en-US or Configuration\admx\en-US (or another language specific sub-folder).
Press WINDOWKEY + R, type gpedit.msc and click OK. (Or run gpedit.msc in your terminal).
Right-click Administrative Templates and select Add/Remove Templates.
Add the chrome.adm or chrome.adml template via the dialog.
Once complete, a Google / Google Chrome folder will appear under Administrative Templates if it's not already there.
If you add the ADM/ADMX template on Windows 7 or 10, it will appear under Classic Administrative Templates > Google > Google Chrome.
Select Legacy Browser Support in the tree and enable the Enable the Legacy Browser Support feature setting as follows:
Open a dialog with a right-mouse-click on Enable the Legacy Browser Support feature and selecting Edit from the menu.
Select Enabled.
Click OK.
Enable the Websites to open in alternative browser setting as follows.
Open a dialog with a right-mouse-click on Websites to open in alternative browser and selecting Edit from the menu.
Select Enabled.
Click Show.
Enter a full qualified hostname
Click OK and Apply.
Edit the M_PCK_URL_CUSTOM.GET_SMATNET_URL CIP function as described in GET_SMATNET_URL.
You can find the correct web address needed for this url in the Intergraph.WPF.Apps.SMATApplication.exe.config, located under <Product Root Location>\SPMAT.
Now you should be able invoking Smart Materials using the Internet Explorer from Smart Materials Web running in Google Chrome. If this still fails, try to start Smart Materials as described in Getting Started.
For more information see: