Configure APEX to access HTTPS_WALLET in Instance Configuration - Version 2020 (10.0) - Hexagon

Smart Materials Web Installation (10.1)

Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version
  1. Configure HTTPS_ALLET Path in APEX as follows:

    • Login into APEX Administration Workspace:

      Workspace: INTERNAL

      Username: ADMIN

      Password: <your_admin_password>

    • Click Manage Instance > Instance Settings > Wallet.

    • Set the Wallet Path and Wallet Password as configured with ORAPKI.

      :file must precede the Wallet Path. For example, file:D:\Oracle\19c_Sta\https_wallet


  2. In Smart Materials Web, open the Administration > DBA Settings page and activate Yes for DBA setting OPEN_ID_LOGIN.

  3. Create an OKTA application.

  4. In Smart Materials Web, open the Administration > Open ID Administration page.

  5. Copy the generated Web-Credentials Client ID and Client Secret into this page.

  6. Click Set Credentials to store Client ID and Client Secret in Oracle Internal storage.

    The credentials will not be shown on page load for security reasons.


  7. To test and set REST-URL for OpenID Server Communication do the following:

    1. Enter the OKTA Discovery URL in the Url box under OpenID Configuration.

    2. Click Test Url.

      Result should show the JSON Output like 'Download HTTPS-Certificate from OKTA Server – Step 4'.

    3. Only if this test is successful, click Set Url to store the URL for OpenID Communication Servers.

  8. In the Profile Mapping grid, edit the User Profile - Json Name mapping and save.

    To identify the User in Smart Materials and in OpenID System, a mapping must be configured. As OpenID systems exchange Data in a JSON format, the Json Names must be mapped to the User Profiles in Smart Materials.

  9. Customize Open ID Login in the M_PCK_OPENID_CUSTOM package.

    Changes in the M_PCK_OPENID_CUSTOM package are mandatory to configure your Smart Materials Web installation to operate correctly with your OpenID system.