Import Certificate on Database Server - Version 2020 (10.0) - Hexagon

Smart Materials Web Installation (10.1)

Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version
  1. Logon to Database Server Operating System as Administrator.

  2. Create the HTTPS_WALLET folder at decent location (for example, near to Oracle DB Installation Folder).

    The https_wallet folder must be accessible from the DB server. It is recommended to create it near the DB installation folder of your database instance. If you run the database as a RAC, the folder must be accessible for all nodes. The wallet can contain multiple certificates and is accessible for all DB users.

  3. Run ORAPKI Tool.

    ORAPKI Tool is part of the Oracle DB installation.

  4. Perform this command to create a wallet (replace <password> with your password):

    orapki wallet create -wallet https_wallet -pwd <password> -auto_login

  5. Perform this command to import the certificate (exported above)(replace <certification_folder> with the path where your certificates are stored, and <password> with your password):

    orapki wallet add -wallet https_wallet -cert <certification_folder>\godaddy.cer -trusted_cert -pwd <password>