The progress of work needs to be constantly monitored and tracked for the outsourced
work. Also, change management is crucial and might require updating the contract in
the light of new developments in the project.
The goal at this stage is to ensure that the scope of the work in the contracts/subcontracts
progress as planned.
Execute contracts (post award) at a glance
Click a business goal to view the associated learning path:
Track the work progress of a contract
Continuous tracking prevents late surprises and is essential for proper risk management.
It is even more important in case of outsourced work.
Depending on the technology you are using currently for Smart Materials, you can take
the respective learning path:
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Manage changes in a contract
Change management is an integral part of any project management work. It often requires,
updating the contract to reflect scope or schedule changes. Smart Materials makes
it very easy to engage with the contractor during such changes.
Depending on the technology you are using currently for Smart Materials, you can take
the respective learning path:
Content type codes in the learning path
Perform administrative tasks for a contract
Contract administration is important from legal point of view. It involves tracking
conversations and requests for information.
Depending on the technology you are using currently for Smart Materials, you can take
the respective learning path:
Content type codes in the learning path
The following work process diagram provides a complete picture of the process: