Materials Management
Gather engineering requirements (quantification)
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As a designer
I need to generate the BOM for construction, electrical, and HVAC equipment.
I need to generate the BOM for instrumentation.
I need to generate the BOM for piping.
I need to generate the BOM for structural materials.
I need to generate the BOM for civil and architectural materials.
As a discipline lead
I need to define the work breakdown structure (WBS) per discipline.
I need to check if BOM data is available for the materials or need to create one manually.
I need to manage and analyze the changes in BOM data and create a material Requisition.
I need to complete and validate the requisition for the project prior to submitting
for approval or releasing to procurement. This includes:
1. assigning documents
2. assigning VDRs
3. assigning budget
4. defining ROS dates
5. consolidating project control information
6. printing
I need to revise the requisition for the project and then need to go for MTO.
As a project stakeholder,
As a project controls engineer,
I need to plan the requisition long-lead items, as decided by the project team.
I need to manage and report on the progress and status of the materials and services.
I need to inform about the changes to Discipline leads.
As a member of the procurement team,
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Sourcing strategy and purchasing
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As a procurement manager,
I need to manage the supplier and contractor information so that our company will
have up-to-date information on them to support sourcing for our material requirement
and work.
I need to decide if the requisition should use an inquiry process which would be based
on the project procurement strategy or execution plan.
As a discipline lead,
As a buyer,
I need to create or revise the inquiry for the material. This involves selecting bidders,
adding information such as bidding instructions, terms and conditions, shipping instructions,
and so forth, and issuing the inquiry.
I need to finalize the commercial evaluation of the bids so that the optimum selection
is made to support the overall project objectives.
As a project stakeholder,
I need to approve the inquiry.
I need to approve the bid tabulation.
I need to approve and issue the agreement.
As a supplier,
As a project planner,
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Post agreement activities
View the associated roles and business goals
As a project stakeholder,
As a project procurement manager,
As an expediter,
I need to start issuing requests for information from the supplier. For example, manufacturing
plan, quality control plan, VDRs, and so forth.
I need to initiate inspection activities, if required by the defined strategy.
I need to initiate shipping activities, if required by the defined strategy.
I need to receive notification when the materials have been inspected, shipped, and
received. If issues were encountered in any of those steps, I will follow-up and resolve
them in coordination with the rest of the project team and the supplier.
As a supplier,
As an inspector,
I will inspect materials, as necessary, and sign relevant certificates. If the material
does not pass inspection, I will issue a nonconformance report and instigate further
As a logistics coordinator,
As a freight forwarder,
As a material receiver,
As a project planner,
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Control site (check constructability)
View the associated roles and business goals
As a construction planner,
I need to define the material work packages and their priorities.
I need to simulate materials availability for allocation, adjusting the priorities
and the material as necessary and interacting with the material controls team to expedite
material availability.
I need to allocate the required materials.
As a member of the material controls team/Warehouse Manager,
I will provide the status of materials.
I manage the inventory of the stored materials and responsible for all transactions
related to materials in the warehouse.
I need to transfer and issue the required materials.
As a material receiver,
As a member of the subcontractor/crew,
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Contract Management
Develop contracts (pre-award)
View the associated roles and business goals
As a project controls engineer/Project Manager
I need to provide the subcontracting package planning and budgetary information to
the subcontracting engineer.
I need to analyze and verify that the budgetary and planning criteria of the contract
in accordance with the overall project objectives.
As a member of the QA/QC department,
As a subcontracting engineer,
I need to initiate the subcontracting package so that I can send out the invitation
to tender (ITT) to the selected subcontractors for that specific package.
I need to complete the ITT package and present it to the project stakeholders and
management for review and approval.
I need to issue the approved ITT package to the selected subcontractors.
I need to receive and evaluate all tenders received from the subcontractors.
I need to create and finalize the contract that resulted from the evaluation as mentioned
in step 9.
As a project stakeholder,
As a subcontracting manager,
As a subcontractor,
I need to receive, review, and provide the tender as requested by the subcontracting
engineer or reject to provide a tender on the package.
I need to receive and acknowledge the contract awarded to me.
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Execute contracts (post award)
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As a subcontractor,
I need to mobilize the crew and/or the equipment per the contract schedule.
I need to receive and resolve any issue brought forward to me by the subcontracting
site administrator in relation to the subcontract.
I need to execute the tasks resulting from the contract.
I will issue a progress claim against work performed as agreed in the subcontract
details and schedule. This progress claim might be based on the schedule, items delivered,
or agreed payment terms.
I need to issue the invoice in accordance with the agreed progress.
I might initiate or review a potential change order (PCO) and/or change order request
(COR) that could result from changes such as planning changes, process changes, quality
assurance/quality control changes, and so forth.
I need to acknowledge the change order (CO) as issued to me by the subcontracting
As a subcontracting engineer,
As a subcontracting site administrator,
I need to receive the contract package and initiate the administration of all site/fabrication
activities as resulting from the contract.
I need to manage all ongoing contract issues resulting from the work performed or
services provided by the subcontractor. Any issue found in this execution will be
brought to the attention of the subcontractor for resolution.
I need to verify the progress claim as received from the subcontractor.
I need to determine if the progress claim is accepted.
I need to approve the accepted progress claim and forward it for further handling
to the subcontracting manager.
I might initiate or review a potential change order (PCO) and/or change order request
(COR) that could result from changes such as planning changes, process changes, quality
assurance/quality control changes, and so forth.
I need to complete and issue the change order (CO) package as per the project subcontracting
execution plan and local/international rules and regulations.
I need to receive, acknowledge, and update the contracting system in accordance with
the information received from the subcontractor.
As a member of the QA/QC department,
As a subcontracting manager,
As a project stakeholder,
As a project controls engineer,
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