Copy and paste build rules - Intergraph Smart Isometrics Material Editor - Help - Hexagon

Smart Isometrics Material Editor Help

Intergraph Smart Isometrics Material Editor
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  1. Select Tools > Material Wizard Rules Editor to open the Material Wizard Rules Editor.

  2. Select the Component tab.

  3. In the tree view, select the item group or component that contains the build rules copy. Items that have build rules defined display with the SPMatEd ICON Script icon.

    Tree View with Build Rules

  4. Select Copy Build Rules Copy Build Rules Icon.

  5. Select the item group or component type to which to paste, and then select Paste Build Rules Paste Build Rules Icon. You can only copy and paste item group build rules between item groups and component-specific build rules between component types.

  6. Select OK, and then select Save Save to update the database with the changes.