Add a new additional material to the database - Intergraph Smart Isometrics Material Editor - Help - Hexagon

Smart Isometrics Material Editor Help

Intergraph Smart Isometrics Material Editor
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Material Editor Version
6.0 (2019)

Additional materials, such as glue and paint, appear in the bill of materials (BOM) but not on the isometric drawing.

  1. Click Insert New Material Insert Material on the horizontal toolbar. Alternatively, click Insert > New Material.

    The Material Builder displays.

  2. In the Material Builder tree view, select the Additional Material node.

    SHARED Tip Use the Show Only Additional Materials Additional Material Toggle command to filter out all the other component groups.

  3. In the main data area, define an item code, type a description, and select a symbol key in the SKEY list. For more information, see Define item code and description data manually.

  4. In the Attribute/Value grid, define the material attributes as needed.

  5. Click Add.

    The software adds the new additional material under the Additional Material group in the tree view.

Because additional materials do not have sizes, the Sizes grid is disabled.