Error Messages: Application - Intergraph Smart Isometrics I-View CAD - Help - Hexagon

Smart Isometrics I-View CAD Help

Intergraph Smart Isometrics I-View CAD
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An exception occurred during processing.

Meaning: General failure.

Recovery: Contact customer support.

Error(s) reading external dimensions configuration.

Meaning: The configuration file has errors in the External Dimensions section.

Recovery: Review the External Dimensions section of the XML configuration file, and correct the errors.

Error(s) reading graphics configuration.

Meaning: The configuration file has errors in the graphics section.

Recovery: Review the Graphics section of the XML configuration file, and correct the errors.

Importing <xxx> ......Error : [Message].

Meaning: An error has occurred during import.

Recovery: Contact customer support.

Loading <xxx> ......Error : [Message].

Meaning: An error has occurred loading a POD file.

Recovery: Contact customer support.

XML Error reading configuration file.

Meaning: The configuration file has XML syntax errors.

Recovery: Review the XML configuration file for syntax errors, and correct as needed.