Comparing Reference Data - Intergraph Smart Engineering Manager - Help - Hexagon

Reference Data Synchronization Manager Help

Intergraph Smart Engineering Manager
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Smart Engineering Manager Version
7.2 (2014 R2)

The comparison process compares the packaged reference data from the source with the plant and application reference data at the target. All comparisons are based on name except for the codelist entries, which are based on ID. For attributes to be considered the same, they must have the same attribute name and the same data type definition (including column size for strings).

  • The source and target plants must both be from the current version of SmartPlant Engineering Manager.

  • Filters that exist in the source and target plants with different UIDs may not have identical names. The filter names must be unique in the source and target for synchronization to proceed successfully.

  • Use the Tools > Create Report command to view a comparison summary report in Microsoft Excel format. See Create Report Command (Tools Menu).

  • Items in the target that are not found in the source package are not reported in the comparison report.

Comparison Tasks

Comparing Codelist Enumerations and Indexes

Codelist enumerations and codelist entries are the only data that must retain exact foreign key (ID) values in order to synchronize a plant successfully. Codelists are managed using Data Dictionary Manager.

Comparing codelists enumerations

The name of the codelist (enumeration) can be edited. If both plants have the same Enumeration ID but different Names, the difference will be merged. If both plants have the same Code List Name for the Enumeration but different IDs, the package will not be allowed to merge. To maintain the integrity of the definition of codelist enumerations, the ID, DependsOnID, Name, and DisplayUsage properties must match or an error is generated. Only the Description property may change. Codelist enumerations are correlated by ID.

Comparing codelists entries

The value, short value, and the disable option can be edited for all codelist entries. To maintain the integrity of the definition of codelists entries, the codelist_index, codelist_text, codelist_short_text and codelist_constraint properties must match or an error is generated. Only the sort value and disabled properties may differ. Codelist entries are correlated by codelist_number and codelist_index.

Comparing Item Types and Attribution

Item attribution data is made up of several pieces of data located in the entities, item, attributes, uniqueatts and ItemAttributions data dictionary tables. Item attributions are managed using Data Dictionary Manager.

Comparing Entities

Entities must be an exact match. Because there is no updateable information for an entity, any single property of an entity that does not match will prevent the synchronization of reference data. Entities are correlated using entity_number. If an entity cannot be correlated, an error is generated.

Comparing Items

Compares the Description and ValidationProgID properties. Any other item property that does not match generates an error. Items are correlated using ID. If an item cannot be correlated, an error is generated.

Comparing Attributes

Compares datatype attributes. If datatype does not match, an error is generated, except that string data types may have a greater length in the target plant than is defined in the source package. In other words, the compare will succeed when an attribute is correlated by name and the attribute data type is defined as S40 in the source package and S80 in the target plant. The attribute_defvalue, attribute_description, attribute_format, attribute_display, attribute_uomID properties are synchronized.

Comparing Uniqueatts

Correlated using entity_number and unique_name. The display_name, display, filter, CalculationProgID, ValidationProgID, Category, ReadOnlyMask properties are synchronized.

Comparing ItemAttributions

Correlated by Name and Path. If Manual or Discard does not match, an error is generated. The DisplayName, Category, ReadOnlyMask properties are synchronized.

Comparing Formats

The format from the source package is compared to the format at the target plant. Format types, formats and format items (format elements) are compared.

Comparing Application Symbols

For SmartPlant P&ID, the symbols from the source package are compared to the symbols in the associated applications at the target plant. The relative path of the symbol is used to correlate the source to target symbols. The symbols themselves are not compared, just the data associated with the symbol.

Comparing Application Reference Data Files

For both SmartPlant Electrical and SmartPlant P&ID, rules, insulation specifications, styles file, reports, templates, and borders are compared using file attributes size and modification date. Reports, templates, and borders are correlated by relative path.

Comparing Filters

Filter data consists of several pieces of data located in the Category, CategoryFilter, FilterInstance, FilterDefinition and FilterCriteria data dictionary tables. Filters that do not belong to the target plant are excluded from the compare. MyFilters are not compared. CategoryFilter and FilterInstance are not compared since they contain only ID information for linking categories to filters. Filters are managed using Filter Manager.

Comparing Category

Correlated by Name. The ParentCategoryID and Description properties are synchronized.

Comparing FilterDefinition

Correlated by Name. The Description, AppUsage, Conjunctive, ItemType, FilterType and FilterUID properties are synchronized.

Comparing FilterCriteria

Correlated by SourceAttribute, Operator and AttributeValue. The Conjunctive property is synchronized.

Comparing Layouts

In SmartPlant P&ID, layout data consists of several pieces of data located in the SPTPViews, SPTPLayouts, SPTPAtrrbutes and SPSorts data dictionary tables. Layouts are managed using the EDE tool in SPP&ID.

Comparing SPTPViews

Correlated using ID. The DefaultFilter and DefaultLayout properties are compared. Any other property of an SPTPView that does not match will generate an error. If an SPTPView cannot be correlated, an error is generated. If DefaultFilter had been modified, the corresponding filter name (for FilterID) is displayed in the compare results.

Comparing SPTPLayouts

Correlated using SPTPViews_ID and Name. The AppUsage property is compared. OwnerID and DisplayStyle are not compared.

Comparing SPTPAttributes

Correlated using SPTPLayouts_ID and Position. The AttributeID, ColumnName and ColumnWidth properties are compared.

Comparing SPSorts

Correlated using SPTPLayouts_ID and referenced itemattribute name. The OrderType and SortType properties are compared.

In SmartPlant Electrical, layouts are managed using the Tabular Editor.

Comparing Options

In SmartPlant Electrical, comparison of reference data refers just to format options. In SmartPlant P&ID, symbology and option data consists of auto gap, heat trace, format and symbology options found in the T_OptionAutogap, T_OptionHeatTrace, T_OptionFormat and T_OptionSymbology tables. Option data is managed using Options Manager.

Display Sets for filtered printing found in the T_OptionDispSet and T_OptionDispSetFolder tables are also included in the SPP&ID option data. Display sets that do not belong to the plant are excluded from the compare. Display sets are managed using Drawing Manager.

RDS Manager uses an identity column for each of the option tables. The identity column is used for display or logging in compare and merge process.

Comparing T_OptionAutogap

Correlated by SP_ID, using StyleName as the identity column. Columns include: OrderIndex, SP_ID, UpdateCount, StylePath, StyleName, FilterID, Orientation, SP_FilterUID. The OrderIndex, StyleName, FilterID, Orientation and SP_FilterUID properties are compared. There are no critical properties for autogap options. StylePath is not used. If FilterID has been modified, the corresponding filter name (for FilterID) is displayed in the compare results.

Comparing T_ OptionFormat

Correlated by SP_ID, using DataType as the identity column. Columns include: SP_ID, UpdateCount, DataType, FormatName and DisplayName. The FormatName property is compared. If DataType or DisplayName do not match, an error is generated.

Comparing T_ OptionHeatTrace

Correlated by SP_ID, using Medium as the identity column. Columns include: SP_ID, UpdateCount, StylePath, StyleName and Medium. The StyleName property is compared. If Medium does not match, an error is generated.

Comparing T_ OptionSymbology

Correlated by SP_ID, using MStyleName as the identity column. Columns include: OrderIndex, SP_ID, UpdateCount, StyleName, FilterID and SP_FilterUID. The FilterID and SP_FilterUID properties are compared. If StyleName does not match, an error is generated. If FilterID has been modified, the corresponding filter name (for FilterID) is displayed in the compare results.

Comparing T_ OptionDispSet

Correlated by SP_ID, using FilterID as the identity column. Columns include: SP_ID, UpdateCount, FilterID, SP_Color, SP_Width, SP_Index and SP_OptionDispSetFolderID. The FilterID, SP_Color, SP_Width, SP_Index, SP_OptionDispSetFolderID properties are compared. There are no critical properties for display sets. If FilterID has been modified, the corresponding filter name (for FilterID) is displayed in the compare results.

Comparing T_ OptionDispSetFolder

Correlated by SP_ID, using Name as the identity column. Columns include: SP_ID, UpdateCount, Name, SP_ParentID, SP_IsFolder and SP_Username. The Name and SP_ParentID properties are compared. If SP_IsFolder does not match, an error is generated.

Comparing T_ Preferences

Correlated by SP_ID, using Name as the identity column. Columns include: SP_ID, UpdateCount, Name, DisplayName, GlobalValue, CategoryDisplayName and CategoryInternalName. The DisplayName, GlobalValue, CategoryDisplayName and CategoryInternalName properties are compared.