Understanding the Widget Types - PAS Dashboard - 3.6.1 - Help - Intergraph

PAS Dashboard for PSI and Integrity User Guide

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The PAS Dashboard provides several types of widgets. You can add a widget type multiple times and customize each widget to meet your specific needs. Some widget types may not be available due to your license:

No widget (calculation only)

This widget option is not visible on the Dashboard, but it is used to historize data. Through this widget, you can see past data. For example, you can see baseline deviations over the past six months. There are no widget-specific properties to configure, and no dependent widgets can be set for this widget type.


This widget provides a wizard style interface that you use to easily build the widget you want without the need to write any code. The Preview button on the Summary page allows you to get quick feedback on how your selections affect the widget display, which encourages experimenting with various choices until you can visualize the data in the way you want to see it.

Bar Chart

This widget provides a graph with rectangular bars. The length or height of each bar is proportional to the represented values and is equal to the quantity within that category. The graph usually shows a comparison between different categories. Although the graph can technically be plotted vertically or horizontally, the most usual presentation for a bar graph is vertical. The x-axis represents the categories and the y-axis represents a value for those categories. Although you can customize the minimum and maximum values of the widget, it is not recommended. By default, the widget automatically sets the minimum and maximum values based on the data selected for the widget. You can select and set up a custom data source for this widget. You can also reverse the series in the legend by setting the Widget.ReverseLegend property to True in the widget code.

Baseline Hierarchy

This widget is used to show a location hierarchy in Integrity, with expandable location nodes to display all baselines at each site. This widget allows users to drill-down to more detailed information.

Bubble Chart

This widget displays data on an arbitrary x-y plot with optional size and color attributes for each data point. If the size attribute is omitted, the data is displayed as a scatter plot. You can include horizontal and vertical plot bands, as well as fully customizable backgrounds. The following figure illustrates an example bubble chart on the left and an example scatter plot on the right.


Bullet Graph

This widget provides a display similar to a gauge or thermometer. Each item provides a bar that indicates the current value with a line identifying the desired target value. Each bar also allows you to define background colors to display ranges of interest, such as high, medium, and low values.

Data Grid

This widget is used to display lists of items and tabular information about those items. It is a good way to view information like a workflow summary, an import summary, or a list of events. To have a column automatically resize to fit its contents, set the column width to -1. Each column allows the user to filter the displayed data based on the values in that column.

Date Range

This widget provides a Gantt chart and is used mostly for things like import summary. When you click on information within this widget, you see detailed information of your selection. You can choose to set the minimum and maximum values or you can allow these values to be automatically detected by the widget. You can specify the X and Y axis titles, and you can set the orientation to vertical or horizontal.

Donut Chart

This widget displays proportional data to illustrate how each part relates to the whole. This widget is similar to a Pie Chart, but the graphic is a hollow circle.

DR Progress

This widget shows a trend over time of your progress in completing Documentation and Rationalization (D&R) activities. The lines in this graph indicate the items completed, approved, and implemented.

File Transfer

This widget displays a representation of the flow of configuration files. This widget is intended only for internal PAS use. If you need this widget type, contact your account manager.

Hazard Matrix

This widget provides a tabular data grid that helps you evaluate risk and consequence levels. This widget is intended only for internal PAS use. If you need this widget type, contact your account manager.

Heat Map

This widget provides a graphical representation of data that uses a system of color-coding to represent different values. Heat maps are used in various forms of analytics but are commonly used to show user behavior on specific webpages or user interfaces. Heat maps can show where users have clicked on a page, how far they have scrolled down a page, or the results of eye-tracking tests. You can manually set the X and Y minimum and maximum values, but the widget can automatically set these values based on the displayed data. The X and Y axis titles are configurable, as well as the colors used in the heat map.

Linear ProDisplay

This widget displays a line graph of the current values for related items. In addition, the graph provides a normal range of each value, the upper and lower alarm limits, and how much a current value deviates from the normal range. This widget is intended only for internal PAS use. If you need this widget type, contact your account manager.

Pie Chart

This widget displays numerical proportions to illustrate data that is part of a whole. An example of information to be displayed in a pie chart is inventory, such as inventory by asset type or by manufacturer. The properties for this widget type allow you to choose whether to include labels, percentage values of whole, legend, and gradient.

Radar Chart

This widget displays data around a central point.


Radial ProDisplay

This widget displays a circular line graph of the current values for related items. The displayed data is similar to the Linear ProDisplay widget. This widget is intended only for internal PAS use. If you need this widget type, contact your account manager.

Simple Number

This widget displays a numerical value on a view within the dashboard. This widget type is most appropriate for applications where the current number is more valuable than other visualizations like a trend, stacked bar, or pie chart. This widget does not have widget-type specific properties.

Simple Text

This widget displays text and allows users to search for exact words or phrases. This widget is most commonly used to display import summary or details of Windows events. This widget does not have widget-type specific properties.

Stacked Bar Chart

This widget displays multiple series of data and is mostly used to display open and closed workflow cases and open workflow cases by location. You can choose to set the minimum and maximum values or allow these values to be automatically detected by the widget. You can specify the X and Y axis titles, and you can set the orientation to vertical or horizontal. You can also select and set up a custom data source for this widget.


This widget displays data from one or more fields across a set time period. These data trends can be displayed in various ways, which allows for a wide range of customization. This widget allows you to scale data manually or choose to allow the widget to scale automatically. You can select and set up a custom data source for this widget.