Understanding the Hierarchy for the Dashboard - PAS Dashboard - 3.6.1 - Help - Intergraph

PAS Dashboard for PSI and Integrity User Guide

PAS Dashboard
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The Product Settings section of the global application settings allows you to select how the PAS Dashboard functions for each product it integrates with and what defines the root and hierarchy for that product. If your dashboard integrates with only one product, you can select the one hierarchy for that product, such as Cyber Integrity, which uses the hierarchy defined with the Configuration Manager hierarchy builder for the CyberIntegrityInventory selection. The product selections and hierarchies are defined as follows:

Automation Integrity

Allows you to select which hierarchy to use. The default hierarchy for Automation Integrity is defined with the Configuration Manager hierarchy builder for the Asset Explorer selection.

Cyber Integrity

Allows you to select which hierarchy to use. The default hierarchy for Cyber Integrity is defined with the Configuration Manager hierarchy builder for the CyberIntegrityInventory selection.

PAS Dashboard

Allows you to select which hierarchy to use based on the other products and how that hierarchy is defined. For example, if you select Cyber Integrity under PAS Dashboard, the dashboard uses the hierarchy defined with the Configuration Manager hierarchy builder for the CyberIntegrityInventory selection.


Allows you to specify whether to use the standard (normal) PSI root and hierarchy or to use the hierarchy defined with the Configuration Manager hierarchy builder for the Asset Explorer selection. For more information, see Creating a Custom Hierarchy for PSI Data.

If your dashboard integrates with multiple products, you need to define the hierarchy for each product. However, the more products you define, the more time is required to complete the calculations for those hierarchies. To select multiple products, click Select multiple products, select the products to integrate with, and then select the hierarchy for each product. For more information, see Setting Global Application Settings.