No Windows Event Data Displayed - PAS Dashboard - 3.6.1 - Help - Intergraph

PAS Dashboard for PSI and Integrity User Guide

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If the Windows event widget does not display data, make sure you specified the correct source for the Windows events.

To check your specified Windows event data source:

  1. Start the PAS Dashboard Configuration program by either double-clicking on the desktop icon or by clicking Windows Start > All Programs > PAS > Dashboard Configuration.

  2. Click Misc Settings at the top of the PAS Dashboard Configuration program. The Miscellaneous Settings window is displayed.

  3. In the Windows Events Data Source fields, specify where the Windows events are collected and which events to include.

  4. Click Save and Next Step. The Setup Complete window is displayed.

  5. Click Restart Dashboard. If possible, the application pool is restarted. If not possible, iisreset is issued to clear the cached data and other content.

  6. Click Exit.