If you are using data from PSI, you need to create a multi-data owner parameter set (Dashboard All Data) outside the data owners and a global parameter set (Dashboard DO Data) within each data owner. Then, you need to make sure each PAS Dashboard user has the proper privileges within PSI to view the data for all data owners. The Windows account used by the calculations service (pasCalculator service) also requires privileges within PSI to view the data for all data owners.
To set up PSI for the PAS Dashboard:
On the PSI server, open the PSI main window.
Click Applications > Alarm & Event Analysis.
On the Select Analysis window, click Cancel.
On the Alarm & Event Analysis window, click Parameter Set > Manage.
Select All Systems in the hierarchy and then click Add to create a multi-data owner parameter set called Dashboard All Data. This multi-data owner parameter set needs to be created outside the data owners and should include all the data owners as shown in the following figure.
Within each data owner, create a global parameter set called Dashboard DO Data.
Check the permissions for the users who will use the PAS Dashboard. To access the PAS Dashboard, a user should have access to all data owners with the Alarm and Event Analysis Operations privilege. For more information about privileges, roles, and access rights, see the security section of the PSI Administration Guide.