The installation program creates a desktop icon for the PAS Dashboard configuration program. This program provides access to the settings required for the PAS Dashboard.
Your Integrity license must include support for the PAS Dashboard asset model, also referred to as the PAS Calculations asset model.
PAS Dashboard 3.6.1 works with Integrity 7.3.1. Make sure that you have upgraded or installed Integrity 7.3.1 if you plan to use PAS Dashboard 3.6.1 with Integrity.
The PAS Dashboard configuration program provides a Basic and an Advanced mode. Some configuration options are available only in Advanced mode. To display these options, click Show Advanced Options in the upper-right area of the window.
To configure the required settings:
Start the PAS Dashboard Configuration program as an administrator using the desktop icon or Windows Start > All Programs > PAS > Dashboard Configuration.
You can implement a license for the PAS Dashboard in the same way in which other PAS products are licensed. You need two license files, a short-term file (LicenseIMOC.txt) and a long-term file (LicenseInfo.txt). Validate your license either via telephone or email to receive these files.
If you want to validate your license by telephone, complete the following steps:
Click the Begin button next to Validate license via telephone.
On the License Agreement window, read the terms, click I Agree, and then click Next.
The Begin License Validation Procedure window displays the phone number to call for software license validation. After speaking with a licensing representative, click Next.
On the Obtain License Validation Code window, the PAS representative asks for the installation identifier string. Read the code to the PAS representative.
The PAS representative issues a code that validates the license. Type the code, and then click Next. The product generates your short-term license file.
Click Close.
If the license has been successfully validated, click Next Step.
Your short-term license file allows you to use the product for a week. PAS will send you a long-term file (LicenseInfo.txt) to add to your installation files. You need both license files after the initial week.
If you want to validate your license by email, complete the following steps:
On the PAS License Management window, click Send Email.
On the License Agreement window, read the terms, click I Agree, and then click Next.
On the Validate License via Email window, type your name, company name, telephone number, and any comments. Then, click Next.
Send the email using one of two ways:
On the Send Email window, click Send Now and the message is sent from the default email program to PAS.
Create and send an email to with the Subject set to PAS License Validation, and attach the following file:
where <InstallPath> is the drive and folder location where PAS Dashboard is installed.
On the Send Email window, click Close. A PAS representative will send you two licensing files, LVC.txt and LicenseInfo.txt.
After receiving an email containing the license keys, save the attachments to a temporary location on the user computer.
On the PAS License Management window, click Load in the Step One area.
On the Load License Validation File window, click Load LVC File.
On the Select LVC File window, locate the LVC.txt file saved previously, and click Open. The license is validated and the short-term license file is created.
On the PAS License Management window, click Load in the Step Two area.
On the Open window, locate the LicenseInfo.txt file saved previously, and click Open. The site license is validated and both license files are stored where needed.
Click Next Step.
After licensing the PAS Dashboard, the Database window is displayed.
In SQL Server, specify the SQL Server machine name (not localhost).
If Microsoft SQL Server is installed as a named instance, follow the server name with a backslash and the instance name, such as Server1\Instance1. If you need to specify a port for the server, add a comma and port to the server name, such as Server1,port\Instance1.
Specify whether PAS Dashboard should log in to Microsoft SQL Server using your Windows account or a specified SQL Server user ID and password. If you select Use SQL Server authentication, type the user ID and password defined within SQL Server.
The authentication method you choose must match the one you selected for Integrity. If you choose Use Windows authentication, the web server and SQL Server must be on the same computer.
For either authentication mode, the user account must be a member of the dbcreator (min) or sysadmin fixed server role and must be assigned to the db_owner database role. Use SQL Server Management Studio to assign the db_owner database role to the account you specify.
Click Test Server Connection to verify that the connection to the SQL Server is successful.
In Database name, specify the name of the database where the PAS Dashboard stores its configuration information.
If you have Integrity, use the existing Integrity database. If you have a multiple database Integrity deployment, specify the primary database.
If you have PSI and do not have Integrity, specify another database name and check Create a new database.
Click OK on the Connect to Server confirmation message.
If you want to enable the scheduled calculations service, check the Enable scheduled calculations service check box, and then specify the Windows account credentials for the service to use. The calculations service ensures you are viewing the latest data. If you do not enable the calculations service, the displayed data is not updated unless you manually run calculations.
To display PSI data, the Windows account used by the calculations service must be identified in PSI and capable of accessing that information in PSI, such as Analysis Operations, Multi-DataOwner Analyses, D&R View, and Metrics View.
Click Save and Next Step.
The Asset Model window is displayed. If one Dashboard asset model is found, such as the [Dashboard - PlantState Standard].iam file, the asset model name and version number is displayed in the Dashboard Asset Model field, and the defined views and widgets are listed on this window. If you do not have an IAM file, contact Technical Support.
If you want to use several complex widgets, contact Technical Support to see if a custom model is available that is close to your requirements. You can use this model as a starting point. If you have a custom Dashboard asset model, you may want to export the current asset model before importing your custom asset model in case you want the current asset model in the future. To export the current asset model, click Export Asset Model and follow the instructions.
If you have a custom PAS Dashboard asset model, you can delete the existing asset model and import your custom asset model by completing the following steps:
On the Asset Model window, click Import Asset Model.
Click Yes to delete the existing asset model.
Select your custom PAS Dashboard ([Dashboard - companyname].iam file) asset model for your specific implementation. Then, click Open.
Click Save and Next Step. The PSI Server window is displayed.
If you will use PSI data in the PAS Dashboard, complete the following steps for each PSI server:
Check PSI Enabled, and then click Add Server.
Specify the PSI server name.
Specify the PSI server settings as needed.
In Web Protocol and Web Port, specify the information needed to open the PSI Web Client. Some PAS Dashboard widgets allow users to drill-down into PSI data. The PAS Dashboard opens the PSI Web Client to provide these additional views and features. The Link to PSI Website link allows you to test the PSI Web Client information you provided.
Click Test Connection to verify the connection to the PSI server.
Click OK on the Connect to Server confirmation message.
Click Save and Next Step. The Miscellaneous Settings window is displayed.
Specify the Integrity URL in the Integrity URL field for use with Integrity. If needed in your environment, enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the secure web server (for example,
If you integrate with Integrity, ensure that the web server host name matches in all product configuration settings. For example, if you use the FQDN in the Integrity Admin Utility, also use the FQDN in the Dashboard configuration settings.
If you will use multiple Integrity and PAS Dashboard servers with the same database, complete the following steps:
Click Show Advanced Options to display Local override fields and server-specific view options.
Specify the location for this PAS Dashboard in the Integrity URL Local override field, which will override the Integrity URL Global setting value.
If you want different views per server, check Enable server-specific views.
PAS Dashboard 3.6.1 works with Integrity 7.3.1. Make sure that you have upgraded or installed Integrity 7.3.1 if you plan to use PAS Dashboard 3.6.1 with Integrity.
If you will have Windows event views, click Configure Windows Events Filters to create filters that identify sets of Windows events collected by Integrity. Then, add a filter for each widget you want to display events. The filter name must match the name of the associated widget you will create.
If you want to use workflow widgets, in Workflow case location options, specify the object type in the hierarchy used to define the location. For the workflow widgets to display accurate information, PAS Dashboard needs to map locations in the hierarchy to the Location property in workflow cases.
If you want to allow more time for widgets to calculate updated information, specify the amount of time you want in Maximum Calculation Time. The default is 1 hour per location. You might need to increase this time if you have many widgets and want to calculate all widgets or you see calculation errors.
If you want to disable permission checking on the Configuration page, clear the Require ConfigMgr or Administrator rights check box.
If you want to give members of a Windows group (such as PSI users) access to the Configuration page, check the Require ConfigMgr or Administrator rights check box and type the name of the group in the Dashboard Admin Group field. The PAS Dashboard gives the specified Windows group ConfigMgr rights.
If you want to exclude objects from the Location tree, add the objects to exclude in the Location Stop List section. These hidden objects are not included in calculations.
The Asset Hierarchy should be defined through Integrity and PSI. The Location Stop List is for hiding objects from calculations and the PAS Dashboard. In many cases, you want the PAS Dashboard to display only the top level (the data owners) in its Location hierarchy for PSI data. To accomplish this configuration, click Add under the Location Stop List, type Folder in the Object Type field, and click OK.
Click Save and Next Step. The Setup Complete window is displayed.
Click Restart Dashboard. If possible, the application pool is restarted. If not possible, iisreset is issued to clear the cached data and other content.
Click Exit.