Why Install This Version? - PAS Dashboard - 3.6.1 - Release Notes/Bulletin - Intergraph

PAS Dashboard for PSI and Integrity Release Notes

PAS Dashboard
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Release Notes/Bulletin
Dashboard Version

PAS Dashboard for PSI and Integrity (PAS Dashboard) provides a framework to visualize data from the PAS by Hexagon (PAS) products you use. You can customize the widgets to present the information you want and need. PAS Dashboard delivers the flexibility you need to create and consolidate your data your way.

The key improvements in this version deliver the following benefits:

  • Resolved an error that caused URLs containing an ampersand (&) to not work [226323].

  • Resolved an issue where the link from a dashboard widget to PlantState Integrity did not work [246890].

  • Improvements in calculations, widget configuration, and widget operation.

  • Usability and performance improvements throughout.

Case IDs listed with issue descriptions conform to various formats depending on the customer support system in use when a customer reported the issue. For example, some case IDs follow the format CAS-12345-A6B7C8 while others are numeric only, such as 234567.

Updated Documentation Delivery

The documentation is now hosted on the Hexagon Documentation site, where you can find the latest documentation for your products.

The documentation site supports the following browsers:

  • Firefox

  • Google Chrome

  • Microsoft Edge

  • Safari 9.1