Tell me more about the Authentication dialog box (modified in an update) - Version - Hexagon

Modified and Retired Managing Smart 3D Project/As-Built with HxGN SDx


The following applies if you are using a version of the software before Update 55. For the latest information, see Tell me more about the Authentication dialog box.

You can get the details to enter in the Authentication dialog box from your administrator.

To know more about registration, see Registering plants.

The default URI used for PKCE client for any of the authentication servers must be

  1. In the SDx Server URL, type the URL of the SDx site you want to register with.

  2. In the Authentication code with Proof Key for Code Exchange and the Client Credentials sections, type the Client ID and the Client Secret in the respective boxes.

    • The Client ID identifies the Smart Client.

    • The Client Secret authenticates the Smart Client and allows access to Smart API.

    • You must enter the values for Client ID and Client Secret in two sections - Authentication code with Proof Key for Code Exchange and Client Credentials.

      • The values in Authentication code with Proof Key for Code Exchange redirects you to the applicable authentication server logon page.

      • The values in Client Credentials authenticates the client and redirects you to the register page.

      • When you are using OKTA with PKCE for authentication, the Client Secret box is optional.