Attach new items to a change request (Modified in an update) - Version - Hexagon

Modified and Retired Managing Smart 3D Project/As-Built with HxGN SDx


The following applies if you are using a version of the software before Update 54. For the latest information, see Attach new items to a change request.

After creating a new list item, an interface definition, a property definition, or an enum entry, you can attach the objects to a change request for review and subsequent approval as part of Common Schema Change Request workflow.

  1. Click the Show draft items option to display all created list items that have not been related to a change request.

    For example:


  2. Select a change request from the Attach To Change Request list.


  3. Select REVIEW AND APPLY to review the draft items in the Summary dialog.

  4. Click APPLY, and the draft items are attached to the change request for subsequent review and approval.

SHARED Tip You can also select FINISH to attach the items to the change request without displaying the Summary dialog.

Once a draft item is related to a change request, it is no longer highlighted using the Show draft items option.