Select Lists - Intergraph Smart Engineering Manager - 13 - Help - Hexagon

Metadata Import Utility Help

Intergraph Smart Engineering Manager
Search by Category
Smart Engineering Manager Version

On this tab, you can view select list entries from the imported Excel file data for the selected engineering product.

The following attributes of each select list entry are displayed:

  • Whether or not the select list entry is disabled

  • The value of the entry that appears in the list in the product's properties

  • A short value used only in some software applications to define the content of reports

  • A dependent list or value, where values of a database table property or another select list depend on a particular select list entry


Provides search-as-you-type for reducing the amount of information displayed in each pane (select lists and select list entries): all data strings matching the search string are highlighted; if no part of the data matches the search string, the data is hidden.