On this tab, you can view database table properties from the imported Excel file data for the selected engineering product.
The following attributes of each database table property are displayed:
Display Name used for the property in the product's Properties window
Type of data associated with the property
Select list that defines possible choices for the property, if applicable
Format for the property
Default value of the property, if applicable
Maximum length of values for the property, if the data type is a string
Whether you want users to see the database property in the drawing software
Whether you want users to see the property when creating filters in Filter Manager
Calculation or validation program ID associated with the property, if applicable
Category of the property
Dependent property, where a parent-child relationship exists between two select list properties
Provides search-as-you-type for reducing the amount of information displayed in each pane (database tables and database table properties): all data strings matching the search string are highlighted; if no part of the data matches the search string, the data is hidden.