Configure Isogen Web API - Intergraph Spoolgen - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

Isogen Web API Installation and Configuration

Intergraph Spoolgen
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Installation & Upgrade

Before you can view your piping data, you must configure the Isogen Web API service to authenticate your credentials. This procedure explains how to configure settings for:

  • Automatic configuration of Isogen Web API in IIS

  • Registration with Smart API Manager

  • You must have Intergraph Smart API Manager installed and configured before you can register Isogen Web API with Smart API Manager.

  • The Configuration Tool is a wizard-style application that steps you through the configuration process. The application starts automatically (unless you uncheck the Run Configuration Tool after Installation check box in the setup). If you need to start the Configuration Tool, browse to and double-click the executable file: [Isogen Web API Install Folder]\Configuration folder, and double-click the Intergraph.Isogen.WebApi.ConfigurationTool.exe file.

  1. Click Next on the Welcome page.

  2. On the Service Database Configuration page, use the Server Name and Database Name boxes to specify the SQL Server URL and the name of the Isogen service (piping) database.

    For example, if you are using SQL Server 2017 Express as your SQL Server database provider, use the Server URL from the connection string the software provided at the end of the SQL Server 2017 Express installation.


  3. Click Test to ensure that the connection is successful.

  4. Click Next.

  5. On the Smart API Registration page, type the URL for the Smart API Manager server to use for authentication.

  6. Type the User Name and Password that you specified when setting up the Smart API Manager administrator account.

  7. To verify that the login credentials are valid, click Test.

  8. Click Generate to generate a service secret automatically.

    The generated string displays in the Service Secret box.

    • Secrets consist of at least one uppercase character, one lowercase character, one number, one of the following special characters: &!@#%*=., and must be between 8 and 64 characters in length.

    • If this is the first time you are registering a service, only the Register New Service option is available.

    • For a new service, the Service Id is generated automatically at the end of the registration process.

  9. Click Next.

  10. On the IIS Configuration page, specify the Application Name. For example, type Isogen.

    When using Default Web Site, the only editable option is Application Name. Use the Web Site list to create another web site.

  11. Click Next.

  12. Review your configuration settings on the Configuration Preview page. Click Back to make any changes.

  13. If needed, click Save To File to save your configuration settings to a file that you can run in unattended mode.

  14. Optionally, select Run Health Checks to run diagnostics after configuration completes. The diagnostics confirm all major components for Isogen Web API are running and configured properly.

  15. Click Finish to apply all settings and begin the configuration.

    A page displays showing the status or each activity and an overall progress bar.

  16. After applying the configuration and running the health diagnostics, click Finish to exit the configuration utility.

For a straightforward way to find your Web API URL, select Open Isogen Web API in Browser before exiting the configuration utility.

The software opens your default browser and displays the URL in the address bar.