Dimensions - Overall (OS 118) - Isogen - Reference

Isogen Option Switches Reference

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Set OS 118 = 1 to output overall dimensions that extend across branches.

Set OS 118 = 2 to output overall dimensions that stop at branches.

Set OS 118 = 3 to output overall dimensions to valve centers and across branches.

Set OS 118 = 4 to output overall dimensions to valve centers but stopping at branches.

When you set OS 118 = 344, the 34 in Pos 3 and 4 causes the standout distance for the overall dimensions to be moved out from the standard distance to 34mm. This setting, as shown in the following example, causes the standard dimension layer to move to the inner position (A).

If you define values in OS 118 Pos 2 and 3, you must also define a value for OS 8 to control the normal dimension standout distance and keep it in the standard position.

See also

Option Switch 118: Dimensions (Overall)