Component Properties - Intergraph Spoolgen - Help

Intergraph Spoolgen Help

Intergraph Spoolgen
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Isogen Version
Smart Isometrics Version
Spoolgen Version

Common attributes

The following attributes are common for most pipeline components:

Fly Text

Displays a summary of the properties of the object currently selected. This information is read-only and cannot be modified. Examples are shown below.

6" WW Weld Number 21
6" PIPE P-CS03PESTDLength 1293mm

6" GASK G-150SG201A


Specifies a unique identifier for the component. This information is read-only and cannot be modified.

External UCI

Displays the system-generated unique identifier. This information is read-only and cannot be modified.

External Index

Displays a unique number that is used by Isogen to distinguish components that have identical external UCIs. This information is read-only and cannot be modified.

Component-specific attributes

Any of the attributes listed below may display in the Properties window when you select a component in the Pipeline Explorer or Graphics window.

The component attributes that display in the Properties window and the ability to edit those attributes is controlled by I-Configure. For more information, see Project Defaults and Attributes in the I-Configure Help.

Assembly ID

Identifies the site assembly ID number. Used to assign a number to bolted assemblies.

Auto Generated

Specifies whether the software automatically assigns and creates bolt sets in the model. If you select False, automatic generation is turned off. If you select True, automatic generation is turned on.

Bolt Length

Displays the units of dimensions (inches or millimeters) currently used for bolt length as defined in the .mdb file. This property is read-only and cannot be modified.

Bolt Diameter

Displays the units of dimensions (inches or millimeters) currently used for bolt diameters as defined in the .mdb file. This property is read-only and cannot be modified.

Bolt Item Description

Specifies a description for the bolt.

BOP Elevation

Defines the bottom of pipe elevation. Typically, BOP Elevation is used to provide additional information for construction.


Specifies the category. Select None, Erection, Fabrication, or Offshore. The category determines where in the material list the pipe or component is displayed.

  • Erection defines the component to be placed or constructed in the field. An erection component also creates a spool break.

  • Fabrication defines the component to be fabricated in a workshop.

  • Offshore defines the component to be placed or constructed in the field as part of an offshore operation.

Component Attribute (1-100)

Specifies any additional properties for the pipe or component. You can specify up to 100 user-defined properties. You can output user-defined properties on the bill of materials in the isometric drawing. You can also output component attributes next to the component within the isometric drawing.

Component Remark Number

Specifies the ID number that identifies the remark associated with the component.

Cut Piece Length

Specifies the required cut piece length of the pipe. Use the same units as those used to define the coordinates of the main pipeline.

Dial Face Direction

Specifies the direction of the face on the instrument dial or balloon. Select North, South, East, West, Up, or Down.


Provides a user-specified text string that indicates the required orientation direction when output as a message on the plotted isometric. Available only for the following: support, valve, instrument window/dial, orifice plate, eccentric reducer, and slip plate.

U 43 N


Specifies the type of enclosure that Isogen outputs on the isometric drawing with the Thickness Measurement Location (TML).


Specifies the positive cutting allowance required in length units. The software uses the flange cut allowance when calculating cut pipe length. The FlangeCutPlus property is available only for flanges.


Specifies the negative cutting allowance required in length units. The software uses the flange cut allowance when calculating cut pipe length. The FlangeCutMinus property is available only for flanges.

Flange Left Loose

Specifies whether the flange is left loose for site fitting. If you select On, the flange is left loose; if you select Off, it is not. The Flange Left Loose property is available only for flanges. You typically set this property in conjunction with a field fit weld to add extra length to the pipe.

Flat Direction

Specifies the direction the flat of the eccentric reducer is pointing. Select East, North, Up, West, South, or Down. In addition, you can type a direction string, such as E 35 N, that appears on the isometric drawing as a message. Available only for eccentric reducers.

Flow Direction

Specifies the direction of fluid flow for the pipe run.

Gasket Class

This property is only available for gaskets.

Gasket Rating

This property is only available for gaskets.


Identifies the gearbox orientation direction. Input data is a user-generated direction information message of any form. Available only for instruments and valves.

Ignored Tube

Specifies whether the pipe is ignored. That is, the software neither considers it in the computation of system dimensions nor displays it in the final isometric drawing. If you select True, the pipe is ignored. If you select False, the pipe is not ignored. Available only for pipes and is typically used to define fitting-to-fitting components.


Specifies whether the component is insulated. If you select Yes, the isometric drawing displays a single dotted line to indicate that the pipe or component is insulated. If you select No, the pipe or component is not insulated.

Insulation Spec

Specifies the insulation specification reference.

Item Code

Specifies a unique identifier for the additional item. The item code (material code) identifies the additional item in the material list.

Item Description

Specifies a description for the component or additional item. Overrides the material description assigned from the specification.

Item Group

Allocates the component to the relevant section of the material list. Available only for an additional item


Specifies whether the component is part of a jacketed system.

Jacket Spec

Specifies the jacket specification reference.


Specifies the length of the associated pipe. Available only for an additional item.

Material List

Specifies how the component is to be handled on the material list in the generated isometric drawing.

  • Include includes the component item code on the material list only.

  • Exclude excludes the component item code from the Isogen Piping Component File, and subsequently on the material list on the generated drawing.

  • Include with Iso shows the item code local to the component on the isometric drawing and in the material list on the generated drawing. This option applies to inline components only.

Measurement Points

Indicates the number of placement points. This value must be a number. Available only for Thickness Measurement Location.

Measurement Type

Specifies the type of measurement. This value must be a text string. Available only for Thickness Measurement Location.

Misc Spec (1-5)

Provides for up to five user-specified general purpose miscellaneous specification references.

Name or Tag

Specifies a name or identifier for the component.

Orifice Tap Direction

Specifies the direction of the tapping connection on an orifice plate. Select North, South, East, West, Up, or Down.

Painting Spec

Specifies the painting specification reference.

Part Number

Specifies a part number for use Isogen to use instead of the number generated automatically by the system. Spoolgen has a part numbering tool that allows you to use a user-defined part numbering system in the sketch.

Pipe Spec

Displays the primary specification to which the component belongs.

Plant Area

Specifies an identifier for the area. Typically this property is specified for a pipe when it is used in conjunction with the Waste property.

Repeat Part Number

Specifies the part number assigned to an additional item.

Rotation Angle

Specifies the angle of ration for a flange or a support.


  • Bolts: Specifies the quantity of bolts.

  • Additional item: Specifies the number of items to be associated. Available only for an additional item.


Specifies the nominal size of the associated component. Available only for an additional items.

Slip Plate Tail Direction

Specifies the direction of the tail on a slip plate, slip ring, or spectacle blind. Select North, South, East, West, Up, or Down.

Spindle Direction

Specifies the direction Isogen uses when plotting the spindle symbol. Select East, North, Up, West, South, or Down. In addition, you can type a direction string, such as E 35 N, that appears on the isometric drawing as a message. Available on for valves.

If you do not set the spindle direction for the valve, no spindle is shown on the plotted isometric.


Specifies the status of the component.

  • Standard applies no special status of any kind. Components with a Standard status are fully dimensioned on the plotted isometric drawing and are included in the material list.

  • Dotted Undimensioned draws components as dotted. The component is un-dimensioned on the plotted isometric drawing but is still included on the material list.

  • Dotted Dimensioned draws components as dotted. A component with a Dotted Dimensioned status is fully dimensioned on the plotted isometric drawing. However, a dotted dimensioned component is not included in the material list.

  • Undimensioned applies only to supports. The support is un-dimensioned on the plotted isometric drawing but is still included in the material list. The pipe is dimensioned as normal.

Support Direction

Indicates the direction of the support. Specify North, South, East, West, Up, or Down.

Support Type

Specifies the type of support.

Support Weld Angle

Indicates the welding angle for a support weld.

Suppress Item Code

Specifies whether the component displays in the material list. If you select False, the software displays the component on the material list. If you select True, the item code is suppressed and does not display on the material list.


Specifies the supplementary text that is output along with the tag data on the isometric drawing.

TML Attribute 1-100

Provides for up to 100 user-specified general purpose information attributes. The value must be a text string.

Tracing Spec

Specifies the tracing specification reference.


Specifies whether the component is traced. You can select from the following:

  • Off shows no tracing.

  • On uses a dot/dash format line to show pipe and components traced.

  • Single uses one dot/dash format line to show pipe and components traced.

  • Double uses two dot/dash format lines to show pipe and components traced.

  • Treble uses three dot/dash format lines to show pipe and components traced.

  • Quadruple uses four dot/dash format lines to show pipe and components traced.


Specifies the unique component identifier for the component.


Specifies the Basic Wastage Factor to be applied when the software calculates pipe lengths. The factor is expressed as a percentage. For example, type 1 for 1%, 1.5 for 1.5%, and so on. If the property is not set, the software uses 0% by default. Waste is used in conjunction with the Plant Area property.


Specifies the component weight.

Weight (1-2)

Specifies the component weight. This attribute is used in place of Weight for fabricated tees and crosses that have unequal bores. Weight 1 applies only to the following components:

  • Set on cross

  • Stub cross

  • Set on tee

  • Stub tee

  • Fabricated Y-Piece

Weight 2 applies only to the following components:

  • Set on cross

  • Stub cross

  • Fabricated Y-Piece

Welding Allowance

Denotes which ends of the pipe are to have any associated Field Fit Weld (FFW) allowances taken. The Welding Allowance attribute is only available for pipes.

Window Direction

Specifies the direction of the sight glass window. Select North, South, East, West, Up, or Down.