Adjust a Volume Annotation - Intergraph Smart Review - Help

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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
7.1 (2018 R1)
Smart Review Version

Tools > Volume Annotation > Adjust

Changes the physical location, dimensions, or orientation of the selected volume annotation. You can adjust the volume at the end of the placement operation, or you can select a volume in the model and adjust it.

  1. Click Tools > Volume Annotation > Adjust.

  2. Click on the volume annotation in the Main view to change.

  3. Select any yellow highlighted part of the volume glyph to enter the adjustment mode.

  • To use this functionality, you must first install the Construction module.

  • Press ESC to cancel any placements or adjustments done during the command.

  • You can right click to back up to the last placement step for the volume or to adjust a volume using the following steps. If the Place with dialog dimensions options on the Dimensions and Options tab of the Volume Annotation dialog box is turned on, then you can right click to set the volume to the default dimensions.


You can adjust the position of a volume using the following steps:

  1. Select the starting point.

  2. For scaffold, box and clipping volume types, select any yellow highlighted edge of the volume glyph to position the anchor point of the box volume.

    • For cylinder and weld types, select any yellow highlighted straight edge of the volume glyph to position the start center point of the cylinder volume.

    • For sphere types, select any yellow highlighted face of the volume glyph to position the center point of the sphere volume.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Click to place the current volume point at the current model view depth.

    • Double-click to locate an object and its surface point. If there are multiple objects under the cursor, click to cycle through the available options, and then right-click when the one that you want to use is highlighted. Click again to accept the selected object and its surface point. The current volume point is positioned at the surface point of the selected object.

    • Double-right-click at the location in one view (for example, Plan). Then, select the bore-sight line in an orthogonal view (for example, Elevation). The current volume point will be positioned precisely at the intersection of the bore-sight line and the cursor position.

    • Right click to back up to the last placement step.

    • Press ESC to either complete the placement process when placing a volume or to cancel all adjustments so far when in the Tools > Volume Annotation > Adjust command.

  • A white wire frame glyph representing the volume shows the current position.

  • The current model view depth for the left mouse click is determined by the volume position. Thus, to locate to the same elevation, the Main view should be in a Top orientation.

  • The model coordinate for the current mouse position is displayed in the status bar N, E, and El panes.

  • If the Motion > Lock Elevation command option is on, then the elevation of the volume cannot be changed using a single click.


You can adjust a face of a scaffold, box, clipping volume, cylinder, and weld volume types using the following steps:

  1. Select any yellow highlighted face of the volume glyph to select that face for adjustment. The selected face is highlighted in red.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Select the new position for the current face. SmartPlant Review places this point at the current model view depth.

    • Double-click to locate an object and its surface point. If there are multiple objects under the cursor, click to cycle through the available options and right click when the one that you want to use is highlighted. Click again to accept the selected object and its surface point. The current volume face is positioned relative to the surface point of the selected object.

  3. Double right-click at the location in one view (for example, Plan). Then, select the bore-sight line in an orthogonal view (for example, Elevation). The current volume face will be positioned relative to the intersection of the bore- sight line and the mouse position.

  4. Right click to cancel the adjustment in progress while staying in the adjustment selection mode.

  5. Press ESC key to either complete the placement process when placing a volume or to cancel all adjustments so far when in the Tools > Volume Annotation > Adjust command.

  • A white wire frame glyph representing the volume shows the current face adjustment.

  • If you cannot select the face that you want to adjust because it is behind another face, simply orient the view so the correct face is in front.

  • The current model view depth for the left mouse click is determined by the center of the current face position. Thus, to locate to the same elevation, the Main view should be in a Top orientation.

  • The sizing for the current mouse position is displayed in the status bar N, E, and El information panes. For box volumes, these panes represent the depth, width, and height dimensions. For cylinder volumes, these panes represent the length dimension.

  • If the cylinder volume has been reoriented (rotated), then it may be temporarily adjusted during the face adjustment process.

  • The face adjustment is automatically prevented from allowing a dimension of zero by either snapping back to the starting dimensions or adjusting the opposite face to compensate.


You can adjust the radius of the cylinder, weld and sphere volume types using the following steps:

  1. Select any yellow highlighted face cross brace of the volume glyph to select the radius value for adjustment. The cross braces will be highlighted in red.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Click to position the radius of the cylinder or sphere volume relative to the current cursor position at the current model view depth.

    • Double-click to locate an object and its surface point. If there are multiple objects under the cursor, click to cycle through the available options and right click when the one that you want to use is highlighted. Click again to accept the selected object and its surface point. The volume is sized to the surface point of the selected object.

    • Double right-click at the location in one view (for example, Plan). Then, select the bore-sight line in an orthogonal view (for example, Elevation). The volume is sized precisely to the intersection of the bore-sight line and the mouse position.

    • Right-click to cancel the adjustment in progress while staying in the adjustment selection mode.

    • Press ESC to either complete the placement process when placing a volume or to cancel all adjustments so far when in the Tools > Volume Annotation > Adjust command.

  • A white wire frame representational glyph of the volume tracks the current sizing.

  • The current model view depth for the left mouse click is determined by the volume position. Thus, to locate to the same elevation, the Main view should be in a Top orientation.

  • The radius for the current cursor position is displayed in the status bar N, E and El information panes.

  • The radius adjustment is automatically prevented from allowing a radius of zero by snapping back to the starting radius.


You adjust the orientation (rotation) of the scaffold, box, clipping volume, cylinder and weld volume types using the following steps:

  1. Select any yellow highlighted axis of the volume glyph to select the corresponding model axis about which to orientate the volume. The selected axis will be highlighted in yellow. The red axis allows the volume to be rotated around the model's X (or East) axis. The green axis allows the volume to be rotated around the model's Y (or North) axis. The blue axis allows the volume to be rotated around the model's Z (or Elevation) axis. All rotation is about the current center point of the volume.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Click to orient the current axis of orientation relative to the current cursor position at the current model view depth.

    • Double-click to locate an object and its surface point. If there are multiple objects under the cursor, click to cycle through the available options and right click when the one that you want to use highlights. Click again to accept the selected object and its surface point. The current axis of orientation will orient relative to the surface point of the selected object.

    • Double right-click at the location in one view (for example, Plan). Then, select the bore-sight line in an orthogonal view (for example, Elevation). The current axis of orientation is oriented relative to the intersection of the bore-sight line and the mouse position.

    • Right-click to cancel the adjustment in progress while staying in the adjustment selection mode.

    • Press ESC to either complete the placement process when placing a volume or to cancel all adjustments so far when in the Tools > Volume Annotation > Adjust command.

  • A white wire frame representational glyph of the volume tracks the current volume orientation.

  • Because orientation is around the model axes, a view orientation that is perpendicular to the axis of rotation is best suited for visual feedback. For example, the Top view when rotating about the Z axis, the Front view when rotating about the Y axis, and the Right view when rotating about the X axis.

  • The current model view depth for the click is determined by the center of the volume.

  • The orientation angles for the current cursor position are displayed in the status bar P, F, and S information panes (Plan, Front, and Side).

  • To reset the orientation, right-click to the last placement step.

See Also

Place a Volume Annotation
Import Volume Annotations