Install Oracle Database Patch (35962832) Version - Intergraph Smart Reference Data - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Reference Data Installation (10.5)

Intergraph Smart Reference Data
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Installation & Upgrade
Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version

Please read the patch README file before installing the patch.

  1. Open a Command Prompt window as an administrator and go to the patch folder (for example, 35962832).

  2. Shutdown all Oracle services.

  3. Explicitly stop the Distributed Transaction Coordinator service (which is not an Oracle service) if it is running.

    net stop msdtc

  4. Type the following commands:

    set ORACLE_HOME=<SAMPLE: C:\oracle\19c_client\client>

    set PATH=%ORACLE_HOME%\Opatch;%ORACLE_HOME%\perl\bin;%PATH%

  5. Type opatch apply and press ENTER to launch the opatch installation.

  6. Make sure that all instances using this ORACLE_HOME are shut down, then twice, enter Y to continue.

  7. If the installation completes successfully, the message OPatch succeeded displays.