Configure the SSL Certificate for SRD Service - Intergraph Smart Reference Data - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Reference Data Installation (10.5)

Intergraph Smart Reference Data
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Installation & Upgrade
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You must add the SSL certificate to your virtual directory in the application server.

To obtain SSL certificate, contact your IT Administrator.

  1. From IIS Manager, under Connections pane, click the application server name and then double-click Server Certificates.

  2. From Actions pane,click Import

  3. Click the browse icon to select the Certificate file (.pfx), type Password, and then select Select Certificate Store to Personal.

  4. Expand sites and then select the virtual directory site and then from Actions pane, click Bindings.

  5. Click Add, and then provide the following settings



Set the number to 443. Protocol for HTTPS is a set of formalized rules that explains how data is communicated over a network.

Host name

Application server name with the domain name separate by period

SSL certificate

Select the certificate from the list.