Manage documents - Intergraph Smart Reference Data - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Reference Data Help (10.1)

Intergraph Smart Reference Data
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Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version

This functionality provides you with the ability to attach documents to a class. The functionality can be accessed through the Manage Class > Manage Documents command available on the shortcut menu of the classification tree view as shown below.

This command is available only for those classes that have idents. The shortcut key for this command is CTRL+A.

When you select this command, the Document Manager dialog box appears, displaying two tabs as shown below. The dialog box allows you to view documents that are already attached and to attach new documents.

  • Upload Document Tab

    This tab allows you to upload a document and attach it to the selected class. In the case of a new document, you must provide a document code and other required information.

    The fields with an asterisk are mandatory fields.

    You can upload a file in two ways:

    • Click the Browse button to locate the file on the local system.


    • Select the URL check box. The Path box is enabled for you to enter the path to a file. You can enter a web URL or a shared location as shown in the picture below.

    • The Type field has a selection list. You can also add a document type that is not in the selection list.

      These values are from Attribute Management screen, for the CMS standard attribute CMS_DOC_TYPES as shown below:


      Only one of each document type in the above mentioned valid list of values can be added to a class except CMS GENERAL.

      For example, if there is any document of type CMS XML attached to the selected class, another document with the same type cannot be added to the class.

    • The Format field has a Selection list LOV. You can also add a document format that is not in the Selection list LOV.

      These values are from Attribute Management screen, for the CMS standard attribute CMS_DOC_FORMATS as shown below:


    • The ParentDoc field has a Selection list LOV that shows all documents created so far that can be selected.

    • The Origin field also has a list of values.

    Command Buttons

    Upload: After you enter the required fields, click Upload, and the file is created and stored by copying it from the path. This process may take some time depending upon the size of the physical file.

    Cancel: You can click this button to close the dialog box.

  • Documents Attached Tab

    This tab provides a tabular view of the documents attached to the selected class.

    The table displays all relevant information about the documents. You can open the files by double-clicking the value in the Document Code field or double-clicking the row. If a URL is attached, it can be opened in a web browser.

    If you want to select an already available document, it can be obtained through the Selection list LOV in the Document Code field. Once a document is selected from the Selection list LOV, all corresponding information is populated to the fields.

    If you double-click a row in the grid and there is an attached file in that row, you can view, update, and save the attached file on your local computer. If any updates must be made to the already uploaded file, you must upload the file (with the updates) again.

    You can add, modify, or delete a document in this grid.

    The grid contains the following columns.

    • Document Code: Select a document code from the Selection list LOV. Once a document is attached and saved, this field cannot be modified.

    • Revision: Enter the revision for the document. When the document code is selected from the Selection list LOV, the Revision field is automatically populated. Once a document is attached and saved, this field cannot be modified.

    • Origin: Enter the origin code in this field.

    • Manual Ind.: Select the manual indicator as Y or N.

    • Short Desc.: Enter the short description in this field.

    • Desc.: Enter the description in this field.

    • Parent Document: Select a parent document code from the Selection list LOV.

    • Path Type: Enter P in this field if the source path is physical. Enter L in this field if the source path is a link.

    • Source Path: Displays the source path of the attached file. This is a read-only field.

    • File: Displays the file attached. This is a read-only field.

    • Format: Enter the format of the document. You can enter a document format that is not in the Selection list LOV. The Selection list LOV values are from Attribute Management screen, for the CMS standard attribute CMS_DOC_FORMATS.

    • Comment: Enter comments in this field.

    • Document Type: Enter the type of the document attached. You can enter a document type that is not in the Selection list LOV. The Selection list LOV values are from Attribute Management screen, for the CMS standard attribute CMS_DOC_TYPES.

      Only one of each document type in the valid list of values can be added to a class except CMS GENERAL. For example, if a document of type CMS XML is already attached to a class, another document of the same type cannot be attached to the class.

    • Pages: Enter the number of pages in this field.

    • Status: Enter the status of the document in this field.

    • Author: Enter the author of the document in this field.

    • Creation Date: Enter the creation date of the document in this field.

    • Authorized by: Enter by whom this was authorized in this field.

    • Auth. Date: Enter the authorized date in this field.

    • Changed By: Enter by whom this was changed in this field.

    • Change Date: Enter the changed date in this field.

    • Ref. Module:

    • Client Ref.: Enter the client reference in this field.

    • Partner Ref.: Enter the partner reference in this field.

    • List of Units: Enter the list of units in this field.

    • Material Code: Enter the material code in this field.

    • List of Tags: Enter the list of tags in this field.

    Grid Toolbar Buttons: In order to operate on the data displayed in the grid, you can click one of the buttons provided on the grid toolbar. The main buttons and their operations are as given below –

    • Edit Grid: On click, this will set the grid for edit operation. If you want to add, modify, or delete data, click this button first. Please note that before editing, the software first tries to lock the record. If the software cannot lock the record, a message appears, and the record cannot be modified.

    • Read-Only Grid: By default, the grid appears in read-only mode. After edit operations are done and you have saved your data, click this button to set the grid again in read-only mode. Please note that when the grid is in edit mode, all other controls will be disabled; those controls are enabled again when you set the grid to read-only mode by clicking this button. Do not close the window when the grid is in edit mode; all the menu options will remain in a locked condition.

    • Add Row: Click this button to add a blank row in the grid to create a new record.

    • Check Grid: Once you are done with your modifications in the grid, you can click this button to evaluate any possible errors in the data before you save.

    • Save Grid: Save the modification done in the grid data.

    • Selection list LOV: Some of the fields in this grid have selection list, such as the Document Code and Parent Document fields. On click, this button invokes the Selection list LOV for the selected field.

    Grid Shortcut Menu: The following options are available when you select a row and click the right mouse button. All of these operations are performed when the grid is in edit mode.

    • Undo: Reverses all recent changes done in the row.

    • Copy: Copies the selected row in the grid.

    • Paste (Insert): Inserts a row beneath the selected row and pastes data into the new row.

    • Add Row: Adds a new row below the selected row.

    • Duplicate Row: Copies the selected row and pastes the same data in a new row.

    • Delete: Deletes the selected row.