Basic Work Flow - Intergraph Smart Production - Help

Intergraph Smart Production Workshop Part

Intergraph Smart Production
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The basic work flow of a workshop begins with starting the part, giving the needed values, and then completing the part when it is done. Different pages of the workshop display information about new, ongoing, and already completed parts. Each page contains detailed part information.

Open a workplace

  1. Select the workplace to monitor on the Main Page.

  2. Point to a work group name.

  3. Click the workplace to open.

    The software opens the workplace, and displays the Active Works page. The part is not started, and displays on the New Works page.

Search a new work

  1. Click New Works .

    The work queue displays a list of parts to do in this workplace. These parts are not yet started.

Open and select a part

  1. Click the parts to start. Use CTRL+click to select multiple parts.


  1. Click Start to start the selected parts.

    The software displays started parts on the Active Works page. The Order/Item field value turns green to show the part is currently in progress.


  1. When the part completes, select the part and click Complete .

    The software sets the part to completed, and displays it on the History page.