Creating a New Package - Intergraph Smart Production - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Production Workshop Packing

Intergraph Smart Production
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  1. Click Packing Packing_BUTTON at the top of the window.

    The Packing page displays.

  2. Click New in the Packages area.

    The New Package dialog box displays.

    The New Package dialog box properties depend on the environment. The New Package dialog box is shown below.

    The New Package dialog box for Enterprise is shown below.

  3. Select the Package Material Type.

  4. If necessary, type new values in the Length, Width, Height, and Weight text boxes.

    The software updates the Package Material Weight.

  5. Optional: Type comments in the Info text box.

  6. Click Create.

    The software creates a new package, and displays it under Packages on the Packing (see ) page.