Smart Production Workshop Cutting Introduction - Intergraph Smart Production - Version 20 - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Production Workshop Cutting

Intergraph Smart Production
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Smart Production Workshop is a group of web-based workstation applications. There are several different kinds of workshops available. All Workshop applications display work instructions and monitor storage statuses of the material in production.

The available Workshop applications depend on the system configuration.

Smart Production Workshop Cutting

Shows the work queue for each cutting workplace (including both plate cutting workplaces and profile cutting workplaces), and reports completed works. While managing the work queues, the Workshop Cutting application collects information on workplace events (for example: the used work time, workers on shift, consumed material, and the cut parts that are completed or rejected).

Smart Production Workshop Receiving

Receives raw material.

Smart Production Workshop Picking

Handles the material pick lists.

Smart Production Workshop Surface Treatment

Controls blasting (materials or parts depending on the workplace location in work phase chain).

Smart Production Workshop Part

Shows the work queue for each part reporting workplace (including also both plate part workplaces and profile part workplaces).

Smart Production Workshop Assembly

Shows the work queue for each assembly reporting workplace.

Smart Production Workshop Packing

Creates packages for the cut parts.

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Version 20
Published Thursday, December 15, 2022 at 6:46 PM