Interface Definition Parameters - Intergraph Smart Production - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Production Excel Interface

Intergraph Smart Production
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The interface definition is created with several different parameters.

Database Connection

The name of the database server and the database are told in the upper part of the Definition tab. The Smart Production Excel Interface uses user’s Windows login name for connecting to the database. This means that the login name needs to have suitable user rights to the database for the interface to work correctly.

The BackupSubFolderName tells the folder for backups. Interface creates an XLS file to the backup folder each time the data is imported. The folder must be in the working folder of the Smart Production Excel Interface. If the named folder does not exist, the interface creates one according to the given name when started.

Only a folder name can be used. That is, folders such as backup\backup_2013 are not supported.

Name of the Interface Excel Sheet

The name of the interface excel sheet is used in the interface tab when the excel sheets are inserted. The name cannot be changed by the user and new interfaces cannot be created. If new interfaces are needed, please contact the Support.

X mark under the name tells if the cells in that row are included in the interface.

Field Name

Field name is used as a header for each column in the excel sheet. As a rule, same headers are used in the other Smart Production software. If needed, these headers can be changed. The field name should not contain special characters or empty spaces.

DB Column Name

DB Column Name tells the name of the database column. The name must match the actual column in the database.

Data Type

The imported data must match both the Data Type in the definition, and the data type in the database. All data types supported by the database are available for use.

Microsoft Excel might also have some limitations for the accepted data format. For example the accepted decimal point (, or .) depends on the regional settings of the computer. To change these settings go to Control Panel > Region and Language > Additional settings.

The date/time type values are always written as yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.


Length is used for the character type of data. In these cases defining the maximum length is mandatory. Notice, that the length cannot be longer than what is set for the database column in the database.


Mandatory column tells if giving the value for the interface is mandatory. This column should not be changed, as this information is required by the database.

Min Value and Max Value

Minimum and/or maximum values can be defined when needed. The data check ensures that the given data stays between these values.

Allowed Values

Some database columns accept only certain set of data, that is “Mirroring” information can be either 0 (= not allowed) or 1 (= allowed). During data check the interface checks that no other values are given. If the column is not mandatory, empty value is also accepted.

Default Value

Default value is used, if imported data does not contain value but the column is included in the interface. For example site can be given with a default, if all order items are done to the same site. The default values are filled in to the interface excel sheets when the Check Data functionality is run.

DB Key

DB Key fields are used for identifying the inserted row in the database, and for identifying connected items such as material for the order item. Database key fields cannot be changed or removed.


Info column can contain more info for the row.