Excel Interface Overview - Intergraph Smart Production - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Production Excel Interface

Intergraph Smart Production
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The Smart Production Excel Interface is a simple tool for importing data into the database. The columns in the interface can be modified to meet your needs, so that only the data you actually use is included. The column order can also be easily changed so that the data from an external system can be just copy pasted to the interface Excel sheet. The overall workflow is:

  1. Modify the definition and insert Excel sheets.

    Modify the definition to match the data from the external system. Then insert the Excel sheets according to the definition to create the interface excel sheets. This needs only to be done once when interfaces are taken into use and is usually done by the support personnel.

  2. Copy and check data.

    Copy the data from an external system to the interface Excel sheet. Then use the Check Data functionality to ensure that the data is valid, that is, the material used in the order exists in the database.

  3. Import to DB.

    After the data is checked, it can be imported to the database.

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Published Friday, December 9, 2022 at 2:54 PM