The Order Input module can be used for monitoring the project. The Order Status module presents the same information but unlike Order Input, it does not allow any changes. Both enable monitoring of the whole production flow in the manufacturing plant, from the imported design to the finished project. The status of each block / assembly / work package, order item, and work phase are visible in detail and with the following colors: White (work not begun, still on time), Yellow (partly done, still on time), Green (ready), and Red (late or finished late). In the tree view the statuses are indicated by icons, for example, dynamite represents a late project and a red face an unhappy customer.
Instructions (drawings, work instructions, and packing information) as attached documents can be added in Order Input. These attachments follow the whole production chain.
The main window of the order input is shown below. It includes the following information:
Order tree (left) - Shows customers, projects, blocks / assembly / work packages, and their lower-level order items and work phases. The information can be searched from several points of view on a higher level or in detail. The tree also presents the purchase order functionality discussed later in this document.
Order information (top) - Shows project and block / assembly / work package level information. Each item in the list is labeled with the project number, assembly name, status, due date, and other order-specific information.
Order item information (middle) - Order items appear when a line is activated from the top list. Order items are divided on different tabs based on the type, assemblies plate parts, profile parts, pipe parts, components, and so on. Users can view due date, work chain, material specification (grade, thickness, and dimensions), and quantity information is available, among other information. Material reservations, material need, and the predicted capacity needed to complete the order item.
Work phase information (bottom) - Shows work phases with information when an order item is activated from the middle list. It shows start dates, due dates, and completion dates of each work phase of the order item in work preparation and manufacturing, including the material information (used material, charge number, and so on). Storage locations of produced parts or assemblies are also presented.
For more information, see the Order Input and Status manual.