Defaults - Intergraph Smart Production - 20 - Help - Hexagon

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Intergraph Smart Production
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Displays the Default settings dialog, shown below.

Activation Box Dimensions


Shows the dimensions of an activation box.

Horizontal and Vertical Outside

Shows horizontal and vertical dimensions outside the activation box. By default, dimensions display inside the activation box.

Drawing Snap On

Allows you to snap to elements, profiles, and technology objects. Clear the check box to turn off this setting.

Snap Distance

Specifies the snap distance to elements, profiles, and technology objects.

Rotation Angle

Defines the angle step to rotate the entity when using rotation keys (Z and X keys by default).

Duplicate X

Specifies the horizontal location of the copied entity relative to the original when using the multiply tool.

Duplicate Y

Specifies the vertical location of the copied entity relative to the original when using the multiply tool.