Relief (taper) attributes in import - Intergraph Smart Production - 20 - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Production Cutting

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You write relief information after writing Bevel attributes in import.


Relief text adheres to the following rules:

  • if there is no bevel information, the rules are the same as the bevel rules

  • only one relief information block [relief_information] is allowed for one polyline

  • separate fields using a semicolon (;)

  • a decimal symbol is always a point

  • relief information is written inside square brackets (for example, [relief_information])

A text for relief (taper) information may consist of:

  • the side of the relief: upper/lower/both

  • angle(s) of relief

  • width(s) of relief

The figure below shows a dimensioning object defined to an element that has a top Y-bevel with an upper relief.


Relief text uses the following syntax:

InitMark REL[\|/]K1;P1[;K2;P2] EndMark


  • InitMark = [

  • (X): X is a compulsory value

  • [X]: X is an optional value

  • [X|Y]: X or Y or nothing

  • (X|Y): X or Y

  • REL is written as REL

  • EndMark = ]

Sample relief text

Relief text



Constant V bevel on top surface with the angle 22 degrees; plate thickness 15 mm.


Constant K bevel with 30 degree cut on the top surface with a height of 10 mm, a 20 degree cut on the bottom surface and a 3 mm root; plate thickness 20 mm.

Relief (taper) definitions

  • REL = relief for both sides

  • REL/ = relief, upper

  • REL\ = relief, lower

  • K1 = the angle of relief (deg)

  • P1 = the width of relief (mm)

  • K2 = the lower angle of relief (deg) (if on both sides)

  • P2 = the lower width of relief (mm) (if on both sides)