Final Welding - Intergraph Smart Production - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Production Barcode Piping Help

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Scan the pipe barcode and press Start to start final welding for the pipe. Start and Stop are not shown if work phase is not tracking working time.

A pipe's Final Welding is done by using the Work Phase feature, where a weld barcode is scanned. After being scanned, the Assembly Name, Weld Number, and connected items (with details: Article Number, Size, and Heat Number) and current work phase are shown. In lower part of the screen a task to be completed is shown (Welding). If welds Final Welding tasks are done, lower part is empty and Complete is hidden. To be able to see Complete, you need to have the NBCPerFinalWeldings-permission.

Final Welding

The task is completed by selecting it from lower list and pressing Complete. Errors can be caused by a wrong work place or the Final Welding work phase is not started. If final welding is done, lower part of screen is empty and Complete is hidden.

When all the welds are welded, the pipes final welding work phase can be Completed. This is done by scanning the pipe's barcode (in Work Phases feature) and pressing Complete.

After this NDT and PWHT inspections are given in Work Shop web. After inspection are given, pipe barcode is scanned, and NDT inspection Work phase is started.