Check Symbols in a Plant - Intergraph Smart P&ID - 10 - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart P&ID Utilities Help

Intergraph Smart P&ID
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Smart P&ID Version
Smart Engineering Manager Version
  1. Start Drawing Manager and select File > Open Database.

  2. Select the plant containing the reference data that you want to check. Doing this sets the ActivePlant value for the utility.

  3. Close Drawing Manager.

  4. Start the SPP&ID Automation application by double-selecting SPPIDAutomation.exe in the ..\SmartPlant\P&ID Workstation\bin folder.

  5. If the SPP&ID Automation application does not open a document by default, complete the following steps before proceeding:

    1. Select File > New.

    2. Select Document in the Create new group.

    3. Select Normal.spp from the list of templates.

    4. Select OK to open a new document.

  6. Select Tools > Custom Commands to display the Custom Commands dialog.

  7. Browse to ..\SmartPlant\P&ID Workstation\bin and double-click CheckSymbolsCmd.dll.

  8. Select OK or view the log file for detailed information.