Instructions - Intergraph Smart P&ID - 12 - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart P&ID Support Utilities

Intergraph Smart P&ID
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  1. Set the active plant as desired via Drawing Manager.

  2. On the Start menu, select Intergraph Smart P&ID Support Utilities > Change Linked Document Source to start the utility.

    The following form displays:

  3. Expand the Plant tree in the Plant hierarchy pane to display the units.

    Selecting a unit displays all the drawings of that unit in the Drawing pane. To view all the drawings of the selected plant group in the Drawing pane, select Include Subnodes in ListView.

  4. Highlight all drawings that are to be processed and select the add (>) button. This adds the drawings to the Drawing list pane.

    • Drawings from multiple plant groups may be added to the Drawing list pane by highlighting the plant group at a level in the hierarchy that includes other desired plant groups in the Plant hierarchy pane and selecting the add (>) button.

    • All drawings from a plant item group (such as unit, area) or plant may be added to the Drawing list pane by highlighting the item in the Plant hierarchy pane and selecting the add (>) button, or use (>>) button.

    • Drawings can be removed from the drawing list by highlighting them in the Drawing list pane and selecting the remove (<) button.

  5. After adding all the drawings to the Drawing list, enter the path to the point that will be replaced in the Old Replace Path field. Enter the path that will replace the value Old Replace Path in the New Replace Path field. The Old Full Path and New Full Path fields are read-only and identify to the user what linked paths will be modified.

    The utility will test all drawings in the select set for their recreate state before the process begins. Drawings that are found in recreate state will not be processed. They will be logged in the "SPAError.log" file and a message displays after all the processing is completed.

  6. Select Update to begin processing the drawings. The utility will perform a find and replace on each linked attachment’s source path.

    If the Change Linked object to Embedded is selected, the utility will break the links for all linked objects whose source files are located inside the old replace path and make these objects as embedded objects in Smart P&ID drawings.

    The Processing status progress bar will be displayed during processing. When the utility completes processing the selected files, the following message displays:

  7. Select OK.

  8. Select Cancel to dismiss the utility form.

Generate Report provides an additional function of reporting information of all the linked/embedded objects in selected drawings. The report will be saved as LinkReport.xls file in the TEMP directory of your computer.