Change Linked Document Source Utility - Intergraph Smart P&ID - 12 - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart P&ID Support Utilities

Intergraph Smart P&ID
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Smart P&ID provides functionality that allows drawings/documents to be attached to the P&ID files. There are two methods available to accomplish this task. The objects can be embedded or linked depending on the philosophy of each individual customer. Currently, Smart P&ID embeds the symbols placed in a drawing, and the border graphics in the template file. This allows the drawings to be transported to other sites without regard to the location of the attached file.

Customers intending to use Workshare functionality are advised to embed attachments because the attachments will not be moved with the drawing when published or if ownership is transferred. This utility is not intended for use in a Workshare environment.

When a customer restores a plant to a different location or wants to create a new plant from an existing plant, the source path of drawing attachments will need to be updated. Currently the delivered software requires the customer to open each drawing and modify the source file location of each attachment using the Edit > Link > Change Source command. The Change Linked Document Source utility has been developed to enable the customer to globally update the existing drawing attachment’s source path. The extent of the modification is dependent upon the philosophy used to store the original source attachments. This utility will open each drawing selected, update the attachment’s source path and then close the drawing.