Linear Patterns Dialog - Intergraph Smart P&ID - 2019 (9.0) - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart P&ID Options Manager Help

Intergraph Smart P&ID
Options Manager
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Smart P&ID Version
9 (2019)

Allows you to import or delete linear patterns. This dialog opens when you select Tools > Linear Patterns on the menu bar.

PPM All Outputs Graphic

Linear Patterns

Lists all the available linear patterns. This list supports single entry selection only.


Opens the Import Linear Patterns From dialog, where you can browse to the file that is your linear style and import it. Linear patterns and styles are stored in symbol (.sym) files. When you import a linear pattern or heat tracing style, you must close the Linear Patterns dialog and re- open it to see the newly imported information.


Deletes the pattern you have selected in the Patterns list. If a style is in use, it cannot be deleted.