When converting formats that apply to existing item properties, the conversion applies to Smart P&ID data, according to the software programs that are installed, in the entire plant.
This example demonstrates how conversion of the following formats affects item properties in a P&ID drawing.
Format Category |
Current Format |
Convert to Format |
Pressure |
Pressure-psi |
Pressure-kPa |
Temperature |
Deg-F |
Deg-C |
Thickness |
Thickness-in |
Thickness-mm |
Thickness |
Thickness-in(symbol) |
Thickness-mm |
Place a pipe run in a drawing and assign the following property values and formats:
In this example, there are two properties (Insulation Thk and Schedule Or Thk) whose current formats belong to the same format category (Thickness) but which have different formats: Thickness-in and Thickness-in(symbol) respectively. The software only allows you to convert one format at a time per format category, therefore the procedure for implementing this conversion is as follows:
Close all drawings in the plant for which you want to convert the property formats.
In Options Manager, select Tools > Convert Existing Property Formats to display the Convert Existing Property Formats Dialog.
Select the format options as shown.
Select Apply.
Open the example drawing and view the Properties window to see the result of converting these property formats:
Close the drawing.
To convert the second format, Thickness-in(symbol), which affects the Schedule Or Thk property, select the format option as shown.
Select Apply.
Reopen the example drawing to see the result of converting this property format: