Upgrade Reference Data - Intergraph Smart P&ID - 2019 (9.0) - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart P&ID Options Manager Help

Intergraph Smart P&ID
Options Manager
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Smart P&ID Version
9 (2019)
  1. Select the site server and plant for which you want to upgrade reference data.

  2. Select Tools > Upgrade Reference Data. A splash screen is displayed and then a message box informs you of a successfully completed upgrade operation.

  3. Select OK.

  • You must use this command before you can access reference data information from any plants created in an earlier version of the software.

  • Before you use the current version of Smart P&ID with an older plant version for the first time or whenever you create custom symbols in Catalog Manager, you must run this command to upgrade the symbols to the high-resolution 64 x 64 format.

  • Once you upgrade reference data, you cannot view it in earlier versions of the software.

  • For information about changes made during the reference data upgrade, see the V4RefDataUpgrade.log file, which is saved in the reference data symbol path.