Open a Plant Insulation Specification File - Intergraph Smart P&ID - 12 - Help - Intergraph

Intergraph Smart P&ID Insulation Specification Manager Help

Intergraph Smart P&ID
Insulation Specification Manager
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  1. Select File > Open Command and browse to the location of the insulation specification file (.isl) you want to open. The Open PPM All Outputs Graphic command is also available from the toolbar.

  2. Double-click the insulation specification file to open in it Smart P&ID Insulation Specification Manager.

  • If you already have a file open, you are prompted to save it before you open another specification file.

  • The path to the default specification file is defined in the reference data settings in Smart P&ID Options Manager.

  • To open an insulation spec (*.isl) from File > Recent File List after upgrading to Smart P&ID Version 12, clear the Recent File List of Smart P&ID Insulation Specification Manager from the Registry Editor:

    Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Intergraph\Applications\SmartPlantPID.application\InsulationManager\Recent File List