Correcting Database Constraint Violations for Smart P&ID - Intergraph Smart P&ID - 12 - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart P&ID Installation and Upgrade

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The Database Constraint Report.exe reporting utility delivered with your current version of Smart P&ID is used to help you identify whether the Smart P&ID data stored in your database is compliant with the database constraints. You must run this utility before you begin upgrading Smart P&ID.

Tasks for correcting constraint violations

  1. Make a complete backup of the data you are upgrading.

  2. Generate a Database Constraint Exceptions Report. See Generate a Database Constraint Exceptions Report.

  3. Clean up the database by removing orphan model items. See Clean Data Utility (DelOrpModItems.dll) in the Smart P&ID Utilities Guide.

  4. Resolve constraint violations. See Using Constraint Utilities.

  5. Generate a database constraint exceptions report again.

  6. Run the appropriate constraint utilities again if any exceptions still exist.

  7. Continue running the database constraint report and the constraint utilities until no exceptions are reported.

  8. Make a complete backup of the now compliant data.

For additional information on resolving discrepancies listed in the database constraint report, contact your Customer Service representative.