Instrument - Intergraph Smart P&ID - 11 - Help - Intergraph

Intergraph Smart P&ID Help

Intergraph Smart P&ID
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In Smart P&ID there is one Instrument class.

In the SmartPlant schema, there are three PID instrument classes.

  • PIDInstrument

  • PIDInlineInstrument

  • PIDControlSystemFunction

The tool schema has three MapClasses.

  • Instrument

  • InstrumentInline

  • InstrumentCtrlSysFunc

The Smart P&ID adapter has three separate Class Publisher/Retriever objects for these three classes.


All Smart P&ID instruments with Instrument Class equal to System Function are published as PIDControlSystemFunction using the InstrumentCtrlSysFunc MapClass. All Smart P&ID instruments with IsInline equal to True are published as PIDInlineInstrument using the InstrumentInline MapClass. All other Smart P&ID instruments are published as PIDInstrument using the Instrument MapClass.


All objects that have the IControlSystemFunction interface are retrieved as Instruments using the InstrumentCtrlSysFunc MapClass. All objects that have the IInstrumentOcc interface are retrieved as Instruments using the PIDInlineInstrument MapClass.

The InstrLoop map class in the tool schema is used for the instrument loop, which is usually retrieved when retrieving the associated instruments.  To retrieve instruments from Smart Instrumentation without their associated loops, for the InstrLoop map class Process Criteria property, change the string 'EFAdapter.InstrLoopDataExchanger,False,7' to 'EFAdapter.InstrLoopDataExchanger,False,7,False' (add an extra 'False' parameter with a comma separator at the end). For more details, see MapClass.