Segment Data Comparison Report - Intergraph Smart P&ID - 11 - Help - Intergraph

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The software compares segment data on the basis of the matching criteria defined in the SPTransferOpt correlation table. If no matching criteria are defined, the software compares segment data on the basis of the Smart P&ID node numbers that are common to both the Smart P&ID database and the PDS database, or the node numbers and line number labels, depending on what you specify using the available options.

The piping segment data is also compared on the basis of the Complete or Partial data transfer options.

If a match is found, each attribute value, as specified in the SPMap.mdb correlation table and filtered for either complete or partial data transfer, is compared with the corresponding property value in the Smart P&ID database. For any pair of corresponding attribute values that differ, the discrepancy is reported in the Segment Data Comparison Report.

This report includes a comparison of the flow direction for the PDS piping segment and the Smart P&ID segment by using the P&ID node numbers. If no corresponding segment is found in the Smart P&ID database for a PDS piping segment with valid matching criteria, an error is reported.

If the search mode is set to END in the SPTransferOpt file, the software compares all of the Smart P&ID segments that have matching search criteria to the applicable PDS piping segment and uses the Smart P&ID segment that best matches the PDS piping segment for the comparison. Otherwise, the search mode is FIRST, and comparison is made with the first P&ID segment that has matching criteria.

  • The Segment Data Comparison Report also includes line sequence numbers.

  • Because the data comparisons are performed on the basis of the PDS piping segments, not all segments in the Smart P&ID database are checked for matches.

The software creates the following files in the same directory location as the processed model file:

  • A report file named model_number.pc (model_number is the number of the model that is extracted from the PDS Project Database).

  • A non-printable, sorted file named model_number.pci (this file is used by the Review P&ID Comparison Report command).

  • A non-printable, sorted file named model_number.pca (this file is used by the P&ID Data Comparison, Update Model, Segment Data Comparison Report, and Review P&ID Comparison Report commands for the approval of data discrepancies. The .pca file is initially created when you approve a discrepancy, and the file is appended to with each additional approval).

You can format the title page and the heading for each page of the Segment Data Comparison Report using the \win32app\ingr\pddesign\sample\pid_cmprpt.fmt format file. The remainder of the report is in the following format:

<line number> <P&ID Node Numbers> <P&ID Drawing Number>


Value in Model

Value in P&ID


2"A-A5A2F-N- 55011

2"A-A5A2F-P- 550107







Data in the Segment Data Comparison Report is sorted first by line number label and then by the Smart P&ID node numbers, if applicable.