Editing Item Properties in the Engineering Data Editor - Intergraph Smart P&ID - 10 - Help - Intergraph

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Item properties in the Engineering Data Editor can be edited much the same way as they are in the Properties window; however, there are some differences:

  • The software displays a different background color for read-only and read/write properties in the Engineering Data Editor. These display options are configured on the Display Settings dialog. See Customize the Display of the Engineering Data Editor.

  • The Engineering Data Editor can be configured to display properties that are not shown in the Properties window. See Define a Layout for an Engineering Data Editor View.

  • Properties of items in non-active drawings and non-active drawing stockpiles can be edited in the Engineering Data Editor. See Perform Plant Editing.

  • When editing a select list property in the Properties window, it is possible to select the property from the list or to type part or all of the value directly in the field. In the Engineering Data Editor, it is also possible to select the property from the list; when selecting a value by typing, it is possible to type the first letter of the property value or to type letters in succession quickly to choose a particular value. If several property values start with a particular letter, repeatedly typing that letter in an Engineering Data Editor cell allows you to move through those values.

  • Using the CTRL or SHIFT key in the Engineering Data Editor, it is possible to select multiple properties (cells) for an item (row), copy those properties, and paste them to other items.

  • A list arrow (select list) and an ellipsis (calculation button) are displayed for a property in the Engineering Data Editor much the same as in the Properties window except for the case when both exist for the property. When both the list arrow and the ellipsis exist for a property (for example, the Loop Tag property of a pipe run) they are both displayed in the Properties window but only the list arrow is displayed in the Engineering Data Editor.

  • In the Properties window, you can highlight a value that belongs to a select list and simply clear its contents by pressing the Delete key. In the Engineering Data Editor, you must first highlight the value inside the list before being able to delete it.

  • All Plant Item Group associations are editable in both the Properties window and in the Engineering Data Editor. One exception is the Hydraulic Circuit Item Tag property, which is editable in the Properties window but is read-only in the Engineering Data Editor.

  • If the selected item (row) in the Engineering Data Editor is in the active drawing, that item is highlighted in the drawing and its properties are displayed in the Properties window as if it had been selected in the drawing. If the selected item is in a non-active drawing, its properties are not displayed in the Properties window; however, on the shortcut menu, the Highlight in Drawing command can be used to open the drawing in which the item appears. Selecting this command zooms in on the item in the drawing that opens, highlights it, and displays its properties in the Properties window.

  • The Plant Group Name property is dependent on the Plant Group Type property and hence the Plant Group Name property cannot be assigned until the Plant Group Type property is assigned. If you remove the Plant Group Type property, then Plant Group Name property is also removed. Both the Plant Group Type and Plant Group Name properties have to be assigned for an item, therefore if the Plant Group Type property is assigned and the Plant Group Name property is not available or removed for an item, the software removes the Plant Group Type value as follows:

    • Active drawing and stockpile view: Whether the change is made in the Properties window or in the Engineering Data Editor, the Plant Group Type value is not removed while in the same drawing session. Refreshing the Engineering Data Editor does not remove the Plant Group Type value. Only closing the drawing removes the Plant Group Type value.

    • Other drawing: If Pagination is enabled in Engineering Data Editor, then toggling the Other Drawing view removes the Plant Group Type value. If Pagination is not enabled, then refreshing the Engineering Data Editor removes the Plant Group Type value.

When copying and pasting data between cells in the Engineering Data Editor where one property is dependent upon another, the higher dependent (parent) property must be in a column to the left of the dependency (child) property in the layout. For example, if copying both Fluid System and Fluid Code property values from one row to one or more other rows in the Engineering Data Editor, Fluid System must be located to the left of Fluid Code in the layout. Likewise, if copying Plant Group Type and Plant Group Name properties, Plant Group Type must be located to the left of Plant Group Name in the layout.