The Intergraph Smart® P&ID Duplicate Item Tag Report Utility generates a report in the form of a Microsoft® Excel workbook that lists instruments, piping components, and equipment in your active plant that have the same item tag. Because it is possible to archive a drawing and then delete an item from that drawing, it is also possible to assign the item tag for that item to another item that is placed subsequent to the first item. However, if you retrieve the drawing from the archive, there are two items with the same item tag. This report lists those instruments and piping components so that you can edit the item properties and ensure that your data remains coherent.
The report is stored in your temporary folder: temp\<YourPlant>-DuplicateTags.xls. Instruments are on the first worksheet, piping components are on the second worksheet, and equipment is on the third worksheet. You can use this report to determine which items have duplicate item tags so that you can find these items in Smart P&ID and return the tags to a unique state.
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Version 12
Published 10/24/2024 at 2:48 PM