Create a New Report using Report Wizard - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 10.1 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Materials Report Configuration (10.1)

Intergraph Smart Materials
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Administration & Configuration
Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version

In this case, we will start from an empty new report and use the Oracle Report Wizard to help us creating a basic report for commodity groups, parts, and codes.

  1. Open the Reports Developer.

  2. Select Use the Report Wizard, and click OK.

  3. Select the Show this page next time option if you don’t want to display the Welcome screen every time you use the wizard.

  4. Click to start the wizard-based report building method.

  5. Select Create Paper Layout only, and click Next >.

  6. From the available report types, select the Tabular style for our example, and click Next >.

  7. You will be asked for the data source type. Select SQL Query (see Specify a Base Query to Support the Requirements) and click Next >.

  8. In the following dialog box with a SQL text box, click Connect to connect to the target database.

  9. In the Connect dialog box, type the username m_sys, the m_sys password, and the database connectstring, and click Connect.

  10. In the SQL text box dialog box, add the query that will be used for the report. In our example, paste the query from the Specify a Base Query to Support the Requirements section above.

    Alternatively, you can use the Query Builder tool provided by Oracle to generate the new query.

  11. Click Next >.

  12. A message appears that shows you the new parameters created for the report to facilitate the filtering based on either commodity group, part, or code. Click OK to continue.

  13. In the next dialog box, you can select the fields (columns) you want to display in the report. Click to include all columns, and click Next > twice.

    Now define the labels for each column on the report layout, and adjust the width of each column, as shown in the picture below. When done, click Next >.

  14. On the next dialog, you can choose to use predefined report layout templates. In our example, we use the Beige template. Click Next > to continue.

  15. Click Finish.

    The Reports Developer generates the report. The following dialog is displayed, and you must enter % (wildcard character) for each parameter value as shown below.

  16. Click Run Report to see the results of your report.

  17. Add a new user parameter P_US_ID (number, with default settings) to the report.

  18. Add the following PL/SQL to the BEFORE REPORT trigger:

    function BeforeReport return boolean is





    This function sets the environment up to use Smart Materials project and discipline filtering, to ensure that the report runs only for the current project to which the user is logged in.

  19. Compile the report.

  20. Save the report in your Smart Materials report directory, using the Reports Binary (.rdf) file format.