Allows you to view all the packing lists and preliminary packing lists (PPL).
Delivery Date - Displays the forecasted date of delivery of the packages in the packing lists or
Ready Date - Displays the date when the packages in the packing list are ready for delivery.
This value is empty for a PPL.
Release to Forwarder - Displays the date when the transport of the packages are released to the freight
Traffic ROS Date - Displays the date on which the packages are required to arrive at the site.
Final Destination - Displays the final destination of the packages.
PPL/Packing List Number - Displays the PPL or packing list number. You can click on the PPL/Packing List
Number to view more information about the PPL or the packing list.
Type - Displays the packing list type. It can be Packing List or PPL.
Number of Packages - Displays the number of preliminary packages for a PPL or number of packages in
case of a packing list. This area also displays an arrow. When you click the arrow
the details page for the packing list or PPL appears.
Export License Required - Indicates if the Packing List or the PPL contains an item that requires export
Hazardous - Indicates if the Packing List or the PPL contains a hazardous item.
HLO Type - Indicates if the packing list or the PPL contains an item that is heavy (either by
size or by weight) for shipment by land or by sea.
HLO Extra - Indicates if the packing list or the PPL contains an item that is considered as
extraordinary either by its size or by its dimensions.
Supplier - Displays the supplier's name.
Supplier Company - Displays the name of the company of the supplier.
Incoterm - Displays the Incoterm that applies to the packing list or PPL.
Delivery Place - Displays the place where the packages need to be delivered.
Collection Point - Displays the place from where the packages need to be collected.
Total Gross Weight - Displays the total gross weight of the packages.
Total Volume - Displays the total volume of the packages.
Total Freight Ton - Displays the total freight ton of the packages.
EML Number - Displays the equipment and material list numbers for the packing list or PPL.
PO Number - If the purchase order (PO) for the items is already signed, it displays the PO