Mapping SKEYs to Commodity Codes - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 2020 (10.0) - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Materials Integration (2020)

Intergraph Smart Materials
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Administration & Configuration
Smart Construction Version
Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version
2020 (10.0)

The following screenshots are examples of the different ways to define mappings:

  • By Commodity Code directly – Most useful for mapping exceptions, which will be mapped to their own SKEY

  • Group/Part only – Most useful for mapping an entire group or set of parts to a separate SKEY

  • Group/Part with Table Details – Most useful for more complex environments where table details are required and have their own SKEY

By Commodity Code Directly

The example shows the SKEY ELBW mapped directly to a commodity code. This method is most useful for mapping exceptions. The codes mapped this way will be mapped to their own SKEY, which will be different than the SKEY used for other commodity codes.

By Group/Part

Specify one or more commodity groups and parts to assign commodity codes to the SKEY. Most mapping will be done using this method.

In the above example, the ELBW SKEY maps to one group/part only. As a result, all commodity codes belonging to this group and part are mapped to this SKEY.

Click Show Commodity Codes to display all affected commodity codes on the Matching Commodity Codes page.

By Table Details

For Smart Reference Data environments where the data is modeled in a more complex way, it may not be sufficient to use Group/Part entries for mapping to SKEYs.

To be more specific, it is possible to add table details for each row of the Group/Part block as criteria to identify the commodity codes belonging to the SKEY.

In this example, the Table Details information is used as criteria to filter commodity codes of commodity group D part E9 by material.

Table Details Filter Criteria Rules

When creating filter criteria for table details, the fields in this block are to be filled following some rules:


Rows with the same group number will be enclosed in brackets when building the query.

Sequence (Seq)

Rows belonging to a group have a unique number within the group. This number is an order sequence used to sort the criteria when building the query.

Tablename/ Group/ -Detail

Name of the table and the table detail/-group/-detail.


Values AND/OR to determine how the table detail results should be combined.

Within one group, the AND row operator means that a commodity code must have both table details.

The OR operator means that a commodity code must have at least one of the table details.

Rows belonging to a group must show a row operator (AND/OR) except for the last row of this group.

Group Operator

The AND/OR values determine how the results of each group should be combined when calculating the total results.

The AND operator means that commodity codes must be in both groups. The OR operator means that commodity codes must be in one or the other group.

The last row of a group must show a group operator (AND/OR) except for the last group.

The following screenshot is another example with more Table Detail criteria.

Table detail criteria

The table detail criteria in the example shown above can be interpreted as follows.

A commodity code belongs to SKEY ELBW if:

its commodity group is ‘B’ and its part is ‘E9L’

AND (It has table details




It has table details




When the SKEY mappings are done, it may be that a commodity code maps to more than one SKEY or that it is not mapped at all. Check the mapping before the export. Also, you can check the export log files.

Check the mapping before export on the I-Sketch 10.03 Commodity Code SKEYs screen, which can be called from S.50.06 Specification Management.

The following graphic explains the processing logic used to identify the SKEY belonging to a commodity code. Understanding this logic may help to define SKEY mappings properly.


Special Case Bolting Material

For bolts, make sure the Bolting Material checkbox is checked when you are mapping to the BOLT SKEY with the group and part as shown in the following example.

Usually, this applies to SKEY 'BOLT,' only, but this is a necessary requirement to identify bolts and to create the bolting file.

Special Case Default Choice

For each SKEY, it can be decided separately if the commodity codes belonging to the SKEY should appear in the exported Default Choice file or not. If the Allow Default Choice check box is unchecked, the software prevents commodity codes from appearing in the Default Choice file.